
class baseband_tasks.phases.pint_toas.PintToas(observatory, frequency, *, ephemeris='jpl', include_bipm=True, bipm_version='BIPM2015', include_gps=True, planets=False, tdb_method='default', **kwargs)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: object

Convert time samples to PINT TOAs using given ephemeris, etc.

The class is initialized with parameters common to all arrival times. When the instances is called on a list of times, it uses pint.toa.get_TOAs_list to create a pint.toa.TOAs instance (for which in turn phases can be calculated).


The observatory code or names


Observing frequency. If not a scalar, one has to ensure it can be broadcast properly against time arrays for which lists of TOAs are calculated.

ephemerisstr, optinal

Solar system dynamic model file. Default is astropy’s ‘jpl’ (see solar_system_ephemeris). For consistency with PINT, this argument can also be passed in as ephem.

include_bipmbool, optional

Flag to include the TT BIPM correction. Default is True.

bipm_versionstr, optional

TT BIPM version. Default is ‘BIPM2015’

include_gpsbool, optional

Flag to include the gps clock correction. Default is True.

planetsbool, optional

Flag to compute the planets’ positions and velocities. Default is False.

tdb_methodstr, optional

The method to compute the TDB time scale. Default is using astropy time objects’ method.


Any further arguments to be passed on to pint.toa.get_TOAs_list.


A TOA (time of arrival) represents the pulse time of arrival. Combined with metadata, it can be considered a timestamp (e.g., observatory, observing frequency, etc.)

Methods Summary


Create list of TOAs for one or more times.

Methods Documentation

__call__(time)[source] [edit on github]

Create list of TOAs for one or more times.


Input time stamps.


Combining all TOAs.