Source code for baseband_tasks.phases.pint_toas

# Licensed under the GPLv3 - see LICENSE
"""Utilities for converting times to PINT times of arrival.


import numpy as np

__all__ = ['PintToas']

[docs]class PintToas: """Convert time samples to PINT TOAs using given ephemeris, etc. The class is initialized with parameters common to all arrival times. When the instances is called on a list of times, it uses `pint.toa.get_TOAs_list` to create a `pint.toa.TOAs` instance (for which in turn phases can be calculated). Parameters ---------- observatory : str The observatory code or names frequency : `~astropy.units.Quantity`. Observing frequency. If not a scalar, one has to ensure it can be broadcast properly against time arrays for which lists of TOAs are calculated. ephemeris : str, optinal Solar system dynamic model file. Default is astropy's 'jpl' (see `~astropy.coordinates.solar_system_ephemeris`). For consistency with PINT, this argument can also be passed in as ``ephem``. include_bipm : bool, optional Flag to include the TT BIPM correction. Default is True. bipm_version : str, optional TT BIPM version. Default is 'BIPM2015' include_gps : bool, optional Flag to include the gps clock correction. Default is True. planets : bool, optional Flag to compute the planets' positions and velocities. Default is False. tdb_method : str, optional The method to compute the TDB time scale. Default is using astropy time objects' method. **kwargs Any further arguments to be passed on to `pint.toa.get_TOAs_list`. Notes ----- A TOA (time of arrival) represents the pulse time of arrival. Combined with metadata, it can be considered a timestamp (e.g., observatory, observing frequency, etc.) """ def __init__(self, observatory, frequency, *, ephemeris='jpl', include_bipm=True, bipm_version='BIPM2015', include_gps=True, planets=False, tdb_method="default", **kwargs): self.observatory = observatory self.frequency = frequency self.control_params = {'ephem': ephemeris, 'bipm_version': bipm_version, 'include_bipm': include_bipm, 'bipm_version': bipm_version, 'include_gps': include_gps, 'planets': planets, 'tdb_method': tdb_method} self.control_params.update(kwargs)
[docs] def __call__(self, time): """Create list of TOAs for one or more times. Parameters ---------- time : `~astropy.time.Time` Input time stamps. Returns ------- toas : `~pint.toa.TOAs` Combining all TOAs. """ # local import since we cannot count on PINT being present, # and doing it globally messes up sphinx. from pint import toa if time.scale == 'utc': time = time.replicate(format='pulsar_mjd') freq, _ = np.broadcast_arrays(self.frequency, time.jd1, subok=True) time = time._apply(np.broadcast_to, freq.shape) toa_list = [] for t, f in zip(time.ravel(), freq.ravel()): # This format converting should be done by PINT in the future. toa_entry = toa.TOA(t, obs=self.observatory, freq=f) toa_list.append(toa_entry) toas = toa.get_TOAs_list(toa_list, **self.control_params) toas.shape = time.shape return toas