Source code for baseband_tasks.dispersion

# Licensed under the GPLv3 - see LICENSE

import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.utils import lazyproperty

from .base import PaddedTaskBase, getattr_if_none, SetAttribute
from .fourier import fft_maker
from .dm import DispersionMeasure
from .sampling import ShiftSamples

__all__ = ['Disperse', 'Dedisperse', 'DisperseSamples', 'DedisperseSamples']

[docs]class Disperse(PaddedTaskBase): """Coherently disperse a time stream. Parameters ---------- ih : task or `baseband` stream reader Input data stream, with time as the first axis. dm : float or `` quantity Dispersion measure. If negative, will dedisperse correctly, but clearer to use the `~baseband_tasks.dispersion.Dedisperse` class. reference_frequency : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Frequency to which the data should be dispersed. Can be an array. By default, the mean frequency. samples_per_frame : int, optional Number of dispersed samples which should be produced in one go. The number of input samples used will be larger to avoid wrapping. If not given, as produced by the minimum power of 2 of input samples that yields at least 75% efficiency. frequency : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Frequencies for each channel in ``ih`` (channelized frequencies will be calculated). Default: taken from ``ih`` (if available). sideband : array, optional Whether frequencies in ``ih`` are upper (+1) or lower (-1) sideband. Default: taken from ``ih`` (if available). See Also -------- baseband_tasks.fourier.fft_maker : to select the FFT package used. baseband_tasks.dispersion.Dedisperse : for coherent dedispersion baseband_tasks.dispersion.DisperseSamples : for incoherent dispersion """ def __init__(self, ih, dm, *, reference_frequency=None, samples_per_frame=None, frequency=None, sideband=None): dm = DispersionMeasure(dm) frequency = getattr_if_none(ih, 'frequency', frequency) sideband = getattr_if_none(ih, 'sideband', sideband) # Calculate frequencies at the top and bottom of each band. half_rate = ih.sample_rate / 2. if ih.complex_data: freq_low = frequency - half_rate freq_high = frequency + half_rate else: freq_low = frequency + np.minimum(sideband, 0.) * half_rate freq_high = frequency + np.maximum(sideband, 0.) * half_rate if reference_frequency is None: reference_frequency = (freq_low + freq_high).mean() / 2. # Calculate the maximum positive and negative delays that will # be corrected for. delay_low = dm.time_delay(freq_low, reference_frequency) delay_high = dm.time_delay(freq_high, reference_frequency) delay_max = max(delay_low.max(), delay_high.max()) delay_min = min(delay_low.min(), delay_high.min()) # Calculate the padding needed to avoid wrapping in what we extract. pad_start = int(np.ceil((delay_max * ih.sample_rate).to_value( pad_end = int(np.ceil((-delay_min * ih.sample_rate).to_value( # Generally, the padding will be on both sides. If either is negative, # that indicates that the reference frequency is outside of the band, # and we can do part of the work with a simple sample shift. if pad_start < 0: # Both delays less than 0; do not need start, so shift by # that number of samples, reducing the padding at the end. assert pad_end > 0 sample_offset = pad_start pad_end += pad_start pad_start = 0 elif pad_end < 0: # Both delays greater than 0; do not need end, so shift by # that number of samples, reducing the padding at the start. sample_offset = -pad_end pad_start += pad_end pad_end = 0 else: # Default case: passing on both sides; not useful to offset. sample_offset = 0 start_time = ih.start_time + sample_offset / ih.sample_rate super().__init__(ih, pad_start=pad_start, pad_end=pad_end, samples_per_frame=samples_per_frame, frequency=frequency, sideband=sideband, start_time=start_time) # Initialize FFTs for fine channelization and the inverse. # TODO: remove duplication with Convolve. self._fft = fft_maker(shape=(self._ih_samples_per_frame,) + self.ih.sample_shape, dtype=self.ih.dtype, sample_rate=self.ih.sample_rate) self._ifft = self._fft.inverse() self._dm = dm self.reference_frequency = reference_frequency self._sample_offset = sample_offset self._pad_slice = slice(self._pad_start, self._pad_start + self.samples_per_frame) @lazyproperty def phase_factor(self): """Phase offsets of the Fourier-transformed frame.""" frequency = self.frequency + self._fft.frequency * self.sideband phase_delay = self._dm.phase_delay(frequency, self.reference_frequency) phase_delay *= self.sideband # Correct for any time offset applied because the reference frequency # was out of range. if self._sample_offset != 0: phase_delay += (self._sample_offset / self.sample_rate * u.cycle * self._fft.frequency) phase_factor = np.exp(phase_delay.to_value(u.rad) * 1j) phase_factor = phase_factor.astype(self._fft.frequency_dtype, copy=False) return phase_factor @property def dm(self): return self._dm
[docs] def task(self, data): ft = self._fft(data) ft *= self.phase_factor result = self._ifft(ft) return result[self._pad_slice]
[docs] def close(self): super().close() # Clear the caches of the lazyproperties to release memory. del self.phase_factor del self._fft del self._ifft
[docs]class Dedisperse(Disperse): """Coherently dedisperse a time stream. Parameters ---------- ih : task or `baseband` stream reader Input data stream, with time as the first axis. dm : float or `` quantity Dispersion measure. If negative, will disperse correctly, but clearer to use the `~baseband_tasks.dispersion.Disperse` class. reference_frequency : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Frequency to which the data should be dedispersed. Can be an array. By default, the mean frequency. If one doesn't want to change the start time, choose the maximum frequency. samples_per_frame : int, optional Number of dedispersed samples which should be produced in one go. The number of input samples used will be larger to avoid wrapping. If not given, as produced by the minimum power of 2 of input samples that yields at least 75% efficiency. frequency : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Frequencies for each channel in ``ih`` (channelized frequencies will be calculated). Default: taken from ``ih`` (if available). sideband : array, optional Whether frequencies in ``ih`` are upper (+1) or lower (-1) sideband. Default: taken from ``ih`` (if available). See Also -------- baseband_tasks.fourier.fft_maker : to select the FFT package used. baseband_tasks.dispersion.Disperse : for coherent dispersion baseband_tasks.dispersion.DedisperseSamples : for incoherent dedispersion """ def __init__(self, ih, dm, *, reference_frequency=None, samples_per_frame=None, frequency=None, sideband=None): super().__init__(ih, -dm, reference_frequency=reference_frequency, samples_per_frame=samples_per_frame, frequency=frequency, sideband=sideband) @property def dm(self): return -self._dm
[docs]class DisperseSamples(ShiftSamples): """Incoherently shift a time stream to give it a dispersive time delay. This task does not handle any in-channel dispersive smearing, but only shifts the samples according to the mid-channel frequency. Parameters ---------- ih : task or `baseband` stream reader Input data stream, with time as the first axis. dm : float or `` quantity Dispersion measure to disperse with. If negative, will dedisperse, but clearer to use `~baseband_tasks.dispersion.DedisperseSamples`. reference_frequency : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Frequency to which the data should be dispersed. Can be an array. By default, the mean frequency. samples_per_frame : int, optional Number of dispersed samples which should be produced in one go. The number of input samples used will be larger to avoid wrapping. If not given, as produced by the minimum power of 2 of input samples that yields at least 75% efficiency. frequency : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Frequencies for each channel in ``ih``. Default: taken from ``ih`` (if available). sideband : array, optional Whether frequencies in ``ih`` are upper (+1) or lower (-1) sideband. Default: taken from ``ih`` (if available). Note that while this is only used if the data is real (to calculate the mid-channel frequency), it should always be passed in together with ``frequency``, since otherwise other tasks cannot interpret frequency correctly. See Also -------- baseband_tasks.dispersion.DedisperseSamples : for incoherent dedispersion baseband_tasks.dispersion.Disperse : for coherent dispersion """ def __init__(self, ih, dm, *, reference_frequency=None, samples_per_frame=None, frequency=None, sideband=None): # Set possible missing frequency/sideband attributes if frequency is not None or sideband is not None: ih = SetAttribute(ih, frequency=frequency, sideband=sideband) frequency = ih.frequency if not ih.complex_data: # Calculate mid-channel frequency for real data (for complex, # the frequencies are already mid-channel). frequency = frequency + ih.sideband * ih.sample_rate / 2. if reference_frequency is None: reference_frequency = frequency.mean() # Compute the time shift and use it to set up ShiftSamples. dm = DispersionMeasure(dm) time_delay = dm.time_delay(frequency, reference_frequency) super().__init__(ih, time_delay, samples_per_frame=samples_per_frame) self.reference_frequency = reference_frequency self._dm = dm
[docs]class DedisperseSamples(DisperseSamples): """Incoherently shift a time stream to correct for a dispersive time delay. This task does not handle any in-channel dispersive smearing, but only shifts the samples according to the mid-channel frequency. Parameters ---------- ih : task or `baseband` stream reader Input data stream, with time as the first axis. dm : float or `` quantity Dispersion measure to correct for. If negative, will disperse, but clearer to use `~baseband_tasks.dispersion.DisperseSamples`. reference_frequency : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Frequency to which the data should be dispersed. Can be an array. By default, the mean frequency. samples_per_frame : int, optional Number of dedispersed samples which should be produced in one go. The number of input samples used will be larger to avoid wrapping. If not given, as produced by the minimum power of 2 of input samples that yields at least 75% efficiency. frequency : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Frequencies for each channel in ``ih``. Default: taken from ``ih`` (if available). sideband : array, optional Whether frequencies in ``ih`` are upper (+1) or lower (-1) sideband. Default: taken from ``ih`` (if available). Note that while this is only used if the data is real (to calculate the mid-channel frequency), it should always be passed in together with ``frequency``, since otherwise other tasks cannot interpret frequency correctly. See Also -------- baseband_tasks.dispersion.DisperseSamples : for incoherent dispersion baseband_tasks.dispersion.Dedisperse : for coherent dedispersion """ def __init__(self, ih, dm, *, reference_frequency=None, samples_per_frame=None, frequency=None, sideband=None): super().__init__(ih, -dm, reference_frequency=reference_frequency, samples_per_frame=samples_per_frame, frequency=frequency, sideband=sideband) @property def dm(self): return -self._dm