Source code for baseband_tasks.shaping

# Licensed under the GPLv3 - see LICENSE
import numpy as np

from .base import TaskBase, Task, check_broadcast_to, simplify_shape

__all__ = ['ChangeSampleShapeBase', 'ChangeSampleShape',
           'Reshape', 'Transpose', 'ReshapeAndTranspose', 'GetItem',

[docs]class ChangeSampleShapeBase(TaskBase): """Base class for sample shape operations. Similar to `~baseband_tasks.base.TaskBase`, where a subclass can define a ``task`` method to operate on data, but specifically for methods that change the shape of the samples, yet do not affect the time axis. This class ensures the operation is possible and that the ``frequency``, ``sideband``, and ``polarization`` attributes are adjusted similarly. Parameters ---------- ih : task or `baseband` stream reader Input data stream. **kwargs Possible further arguments; see `~baseband_tasks.base.TaskBase`. """ def __init__(self, ih, **kwargs): # Check operation is possible a = np.empty((7,) + ih.sample_shape, dtype='?') try: a = self.task(a) except Exception as exc: exc.args += ("stream samples with shape {} cannot be changed " "as required".format(ih.sample_shape),) raise if a.shape[0] != 7: raise ValueError("shape change affected the sample axis (0).") super().__init__(ih, shape=ih.shape[:1] + a.shape[1:], **kwargs) def _check_shape(self, value): """Broadcast value to the sample shape and apply shape changes. After application, axes in which all values are identical are removed. """ # This overrides Base._check_value. Here, an actual check is not really # necessary since the values are guaranteed to come from the underlying # stream so should have been checked already. But we still do it. With # the fully broadcast data, we then apply the shape changing operation, # and then remove axes in which all values are the same. broadcast = check_broadcast_to(value, (1,) + self.ih.sample_shape) # Remove sample time axis but ensure we do not decay to a scalar. value = self.task(broadcast)[0, ...] return simplify_shape(value)
[docs]class ChangeSampleShape(Task, ChangeSampleShapeBase): """Change sample shape using a callable. Parameters ---------- ih : task or `baseband` stream reader Input data stream. task : callable The function or method-like callable. The task must work with any number of data samples and change the sample shape only. It will also be applied to the ``frequency``, ``sideband``, and ``polarization`` attributes of the underlying stream (if present). method : bool, optional Whether ``task`` is a method (two arguments) or a function (one argument). Default: inferred by inspection. See Also -------- Reshape : to reshape the samples Transpose : to transpose sample axes ReshapeAndTranspose : to reshape the samples and transpose the axes GetItem : index or slice the samples GetSlice : slice the time axis and index or slice the samples Examples -------- The VDIF example file from ``Baseband`` has 8 threads which contain 4 channels and 2 polarizations, with very little data in the last channel. To produce a stream in which the sample axes are frequency and polarization and only the first three channels are kept, one could do:: >>> import numpy as np, astropy.units as u, baseband >>> from baseband_tasks.shaping import ChangeSampleShape >>> fh = >>> fh.frequency = 311.25 * u.MHz + (np.arange(8.) // 2) * 16. * u.MHz >>> fh.sideband = 1 >>> fh.polarization = np.tile(['L', 'R'], 4) >>> sh = ChangeSampleShape( ... fh, lambda data: data.reshape(-1, 4, 2)[:, :3]) >>> (2, 3, 2) >>> sh.polarization array(['L', 'R'], dtype='<U1') >>> sh.frequency # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP <Quantity [[311.25], [327.25], [343.25]] MHz> >>> sh.sideband array(1, dtype=int8) >>> fh.close() """
[docs]class Reshape(ChangeSampleShapeBase): """Reshapes the sample shape of a stream. Useful to ensure, e.g., frequencies and polarizations are on separate axes before feeding a stream to `~baseband_tasks.functions.Power`. Parameters ---------- ih : task or `baseband` stream reader Input data stream. sample_shape : tuple of int Output sample shape. See Also -------- Transpose : to transpose sample axes ReshapeAndTranspose : to reshape the samples and transpose the axes GetItem : index or slice the samples GetSlice : slice the time axis and index or slice the samples ChangeSampleShape : to change the samples with a user-supplied function. Examples -------- The VDIF example file from ``Baseband`` has 8 threads which contain 4 channels and 2 polarizations. To produce a stream in which the sample axes are frequency and polarization, one could do:: >>> import numpy as np, astropy.units as u, baseband >>> from baseband_tasks.shaping import ChangeSampleShape >>> fh = >>> fh.frequency = 311.25 * u.MHz + (np.arange(8.) // 2) * 16. * u.MHz >>> fh.sideband = 1 >>> fh.polarization = np.tile(['L', 'R'], 4) >>> rh = Reshape(fh, (4, 2)) >>> (2, 4, 2) >>> rh.polarization array(['L', 'R'], dtype='<U1') >>> rh.frequency # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP <Quantity [[311.25], [327.25], [343.25], [359.25]] MHz> >>> rh.sideband array(1, dtype=int8) >>> fh.close() """ def __init__(self, ih, sample_shape): self._new_shape = (-1,) + sample_shape super().__init__(ih)
[docs] def task(self, data): """Reshape the data.""" return data.reshape(self._new_shape)
[docs]class Transpose(ChangeSampleShapeBase): """Reshapes the axes of the samples of a stream. Useful to ensure bring, e.g., frequencies and polarizations in groups before dechannelizing. Parameters ---------- ih : task or `baseband` stream reader Input data stream. sample_axes : tuple of int Where the input sample shape axes should end up in the output sample shape (as for `~numpy.transpose`). Should contain all axes of the sample shape, starting at ``1`` (time axis 0 always stays in place). See Also -------- Reshape : to reshape the samples ReshapeAndTranspose : to reshape the samples and transpose the axes GetItem : index or slice the samples GetSlice : slice the time axis and index or slice the samples ChangeSampleShape : to change the samples with a user-supplied function. Examples -------- The VDIF example file from ``Baseband`` has 8 threads which contain 4 channels and 2 polarizations. To produce a stream in which the sample axes are polarization and frequency, one could do:: >>> import numpy as np, astropy.units as u, baseband >>> from baseband_tasks.shaping import ChangeSampleShape >>> fh = >>> fh.frequency = 311.25 * u.MHz + (np.arange(8.) // 2) * 16. * u.MHz >>> fh.sideband = 1 >>> fh.polarization = np.tile(['L', 'R'], 4) >>> rh = Reshape(fh, (4, 2)) >>> th = Transpose(rh, (2, 1)) >>> (2, 2, 4) >>> th.polarization array([['L'], ['R']], dtype='<U1') >>> th.frequency # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP <Quantity [311.25, 327.25, 343.25, 359.25] MHz> >>> th.sideband array(1, dtype=int8) >>> fh.close() Note that the example above could also be done in one go using `~baseband_tasks.shaping.ReshapeAndTranspose`. """ def __init__(self, ih, sample_axes): self._sample_axes = sample_axes self._axes = (0,) + sample_axes super().__init__(ih)
[docs] def task(self, data): """Transpose the axes of data.""" return data.transpose(self._axes)
[docs]class ReshapeAndTranspose(Reshape): """Reshapes the sample shape of a stream and transpose its axes. Useful to ensure, e.g., frequencies and polarizations are on separate axes before feeding a stream to, e.g., `~baseband_tasks.functions.Power`. This is just the combination of `~baseband_tasks.shaping.Reshape` and `~baseband_tasks.shaping.Transpose` (avoiding intermediate results). Parameters ---------- ih : task or `baseband` stream reader Input data stream. sample_shape : tuple of int Output sample shape. sample_axes : tuple of int Where the input sample shape axes should end up in the output sample shape (as for `~numpy.transpose`). Should contain all axes of the sample shape, starting at ``1`` (time axis 0 always stays in place). See Also -------- Reshape : to just reshape the samples Transpose : to just transpose sample axes GetItem : index or slice the samples GetSlice : slice the time axis and index or slice the samples ChangeSampleShape : to change the samples with a user-supplied function. Examples -------- The VDIF example file from ``Baseband`` has 8 threads which contain 4 channels and 2 polarizations. To produce a stream in which the sample axes are polarization and frequency, one could do:: >>> import numpy as np, astropy.units as u, baseband >>> from baseband_tasks.shaping import ChangeSampleShape >>> fh = >>> fh.frequency = 311.25 * u.MHz + (np.arange(8.) // 2) * 16. * u.MHz >>> fh.sideband = 1 >>> fh.polarization = np.tile(['L', 'R'], 4) >>> rth = ReshapeAndTranspose(fh, (4, 2), (2, 1)) >>> (2, 2, 4) >>> rth.polarization array([['L'], ['R']], dtype='<U1') >>> rth.frequency # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP <Quantity [311.25, 327.25, 343.25, 359.25] MHz> >>> rth.sideband array(1, dtype=int8) >>> fh.close() """ def __init__(self, ih, sample_shape, sample_axes): self._sample_shape = sample_shape self._sample_axes = sample_axes self._axes = (0,) + sample_axes super().__init__(ih, sample_shape=sample_shape)
[docs] def task(self, data): """Reshape and transpose the axes of data.""" return data.reshape(self._new_shape).transpose(self._axes)
def _repr_item(self, key, default, value=None): if key == 'sample_shape': value = self._sample_shape return super()._repr_item(key, default=default, value=value)
[docs]class GetItem(ChangeSampleShapeBase): """Index or slice the samples of a stream. Useful to select, e.g., a specific frequency band or polariazation. Parameters ---------- ih : task or `baseband` stream reader Input data stream. item : int, slice, list of int, or array of int Anything that can slice a numpy array. Should only attempt to slice the samples, not the time axis. See Also -------- GetSlice : slice the time axis and index or slice the samples Reshape : to reshape the samples Transpose : to transpose sample axes ReshapeAndTranspose : to reshape the samples and transpose the axes ChangeSampleShape : to change the samples with a user-supplied function. Examples -------- The VDIF example file from ``Baseband`` has 8 threads which contain 4 channels and 2 polarizations, with very little data in the last channel. To produce a stream with just the first three channels kept, one could do:: >>> import numpy as np, astropy.units as u, baseband >>> from baseband_tasks.shaping import GetItem >>> fh = >>> fh.frequency = 311.25 * u.MHz + (np.arange(8.) // 2) * 16. * u.MHz >>> fh.sideband = 1 >>> fh.polarization = np.tile(['L', 'R'], 4) >>> gih = GetItem(fh, slice(0, 6)) >>> (2, 6) >>> gih.polarization array(['L', 'R', 'L', 'R', 'L', 'R'], dtype='<U1') >>> gih.frequency # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP <Quantity [311.25, 311.25, 327.25, 327.25, 343.25, 343.25] MHz> >>> gih.sideband array(1, dtype=int8) >>> fh.close() """ def __init__(self, ih, item): if isinstance(item, tuple): self._task_item = (slice(None),) + item else: self._task_item = (slice(None), item) super().__init__(ih) self._item = item
[docs] def task(self, data): """Get the preset item from the data.""" return data[self._task_item]
[docs]class GetSlice(ChangeSampleShapeBase): """Slice a stream and index or slice its samples. Useful to select part of a stream, possibly in combination with selecting, e.g., a specific frequency band or polariazation. Parameters ---------- ih : task or `baseband` stream reader Input data stream. item : slice or tuple of slice, int, or array of int Anything that can slice a numpy array. Should be a slice for the time axis. See Also -------- GetItem : index or slice the samples, without slicing the time axis Reshape : to reshape the samples Transpose : to transpose sample axes ReshapeAndTranspose : to reshape the samples and transpose the axes ChangeSampleShape : to change the samples with a user-supplied function. Examples -------- The VDIF example file from ``Baseband`` has 8 threads. To ignore the first and last 10 samples, one could do:: >>> import numpy as np, astropy.units as u, baseband >>> from baseband_tasks.shaping import GetSlice >>> fh = >>> gsh = GetSlice(fh, slice(10, -10)) >>> gsh.shape (39980, 8) >>> fh.close() """ def __init__(self, ih, item): self._item = item if isinstance(item, tuple): if any(i != slice(None) for i in item[1:]): # Override task to also take sample items. self._task_item = (slice(None),)+item[1:] self.task = lambda data: data[self._task_item] item = item[0] assert isinstance(item, slice), "only support slice for time axis" start, stop, step = item.indices(ih.shape[0]) assert step == 1, "do not support step for time slice" assert stop > start, "empty time slice" super().__init__(ih) self._start = start self._shape = (stop-start,)+self.shape[1:] def _tell_time(self, offset): return self.ih._tell_time(self._start + offset) def _get_frame(self, offset): return super()._get_frame(self._start + offset)
[docs] def task(self, data): """No-op task for default case of no sample slicing. Is overridden in initializer if sample slicing is needed. """ return data