Source code for

# Licensed under the GPLv3 - see LICENSE
"""Wrappers for PSRFTIS Header Data Units (HDUs)."""
from collections import namedtuple

from astropy import units as u
from astropy.time import Time, TimeDelta
from astropy.coordinates import EarthLocation
from astropy.coordinates import Latitude, Longitude
from import fits
from astropy.utils import lazyproperty
import numpy as np
import operator
from .psrfits_htm_parser import HDU_TEMPLATES

__all__ = ["HDU_map", "HDUWrapper", "PSRFITSPrimaryHDU",
           "SubintHDU", "PSRSubintHDU"]

[docs]class HDUWrapper: def __init__(self, hdu=None, verify=True, hdu_type=None): if hdu is None: template = HDU_TEMPLATES[hdu_type] if hdu_type == 'PRIMARY': self.hdu = template.copy() else: # Make an indirect copy that doesn't create data. self.hdu = template.__class__(data=fits.DELAYED, header=template.header.copy()) else: self.hdu = hdu if verify: self.verify()
[docs] def verify(self): assert isinstance(self.header, fits.Header)
[docs] def copy(self): return self.__class__(self.hdu.copy())
@property def header(self): return self.hdu.header
[docs] def close(self): del self.hdu
[docs] def get_hdu_list(self): # Build HDU list # TODO, this need to be modified when combining multilpe HDU. hdu_list = [] if hasattr(self, 'primary_hdu'): hdu_list.append(self.primary_hdu.hdu) hdu_list.append(self.hdu) print(type(hdu_list)) return fits.HDUList(hdu_list)
[docs]class PSRFITSPrimaryHDU(HDUWrapper): """Wrapper for PSRFITS primary HDU, providing baseband-style properties. Parameters ---------- hdu : `` PSRFITS primary HDU instance. Notes ----- Frequencies are defined to be in the center of the channels. """ _properties = ('location', 'start_time', 'observatory', 'frequency', 'ra', 'dec', 'shape', 'sample_rate') def __init__(self, hdu=None, verify=True): # When input hdu is None, an empty Primary header will be initialized. super().__init__(hdu, hdu_type="PRIMARY", verify=verify)
[docs] def verify(self): assert self.header['SIMPLE'], "The HDU is not a FITS primary HDU." assert self.header['FITSTYPE'] == "PSRFITS", \ "The header is not from a PSRFITS file."
@property def location(self): try: return EarthLocation(self.header['ANT_X'], self.header['ANT_Y'], self.header['ANT_Z'], u.m) except (KeyError, TypeError): # Sometimes PSRFITS uses '*' to indicate no data. # TODO: should this be AttributeError instead? return None @location.setter def location(self, loc): """ Location setter. input should be an Astropy EarthLocation""" # TODO, for the space base observatory, Earth Location may not apply. self.hdu.header['ANT_X'] = loc.x.to_value(u.m) self.hdu.header['ANT_Y'] = loc.y.to_value(u.m) self.hdu.header['ANT_Z'] = loc.z.to_value(u.m) @property def start_time(self): return (Time(float(self.header['STT_IMJD']), format='mjd', precision=9, location=self.location) + TimeDelta(float(self.header['STT_SMJD']), float(self.header['STT_OFFS']), format='sec', scale='tai')) @start_time.setter def start_time(self, time): """ Set the start_time, the input value should be an Time object""" # Should we allow time set location if time.location is not None: self.location = time.location mjd_int = int(time.mjd) mjd_frac = (time - Time(mjd_int, scale=time.scale, format='mjd')) frac_sec, int_sec = np.modf( self.hdu.header['STT_IMJD'] = '{0:05d}'.format(mjd_int) self.hdu.header['STT_SMJD'] = '{}'.format(int(int_sec)) self.hdu.header['STT_OFFS'] = '{0:17.15f}'.format(frac_sec) self.hdu.header['DATE-OBS'] = time.fits @property def telescope(self): return self.header['TELESCOP'] @telescope.setter def telescope(self, value): self.hdu.header['TELESCOP'] = value @property def frequency(self): try: n_chan = int(self.header['OBSNCHAN']) c_freq = float(self.header['OBSFREQ']) bw = float(self.header['OBSBW']) except (KeyError, ValueError): return None chan_bw = bw / n_chan # According to the PSRFITS definition document, channels are # numbered 1 to n_chan, with the zeroth channel assumed removed # and c_freq is the frequency of channel n_nchan / 2. We use # (n_chan + 1) // 2 to ensure this makes sense for n_chan = 1 # and is consistent with the document at least for even n_chan. freq = c_freq + (np.arange(1, n_chan + 1) - ((n_chan + 1) // 2)) * chan_bw return u.Quantity(freq, u.MHz, copy=False) @frequency.setter def frequency(self, freq): """Frequency setter. The input should be the frequency array.""" freq = freq.to_value(u.MHz) n_chan = len(freq) # add the channel 0 # we assume the frequency resolution is the same across the band. freq_pad = np.insert(freq, 0, 2 * freq[0] - freq[1]) c_chan = freq_pad[((n_chan + 1) // 2)] bw = freq_pad.ptp() self.hdu.header['OBSNCHAN'] = n_chan self.hdu.header['OBSFREQ'] = c_chan self.hdu.header['OBSBW'] = bw @property def sideband(self): return np.where(self.hdu.header['OBSBW'] > 0, np.int8(1), np.int8(-1)) @sideband.setter def sideband(self, sideband): assert np.all(np.abs(sideband) == 1), "sideband should be +/- 1" self.hdu.header['OBSBW'] = sideband * abs(self.hdu.header['OBSBW']) @property def ra(self): return Longitude(self.header['RA'], unit=u.hourangle) @ra.setter def ra(self, value): self.hdu.header['RA'] = value.to_string(sep=':', pad=True) @property def dec(self): return Latitude(self.header['DEC'], unit=u.deg) @dec.setter def dec(self, value): self.hdu.header['DEC'] = value.to_string(sep=':', alwayssign=True, pad=True) @property def obs_mode(self): return self.header['OBS_MODE'] @obs_mode.setter def obs_mode(self, value): assert value in {'PSR', 'CAL', 'SEARCH'}, \ "obs_mode can only be 'PSR', 'CAL', or 'SEARCH'." self.hdu.header['OBS_MODE'] = value
[docs]class SubintHDU(HDUWrapper): """Base for PSRFITS SUBINT HDU wrappers. Parameters ---------- hdu : `` instance The PSRFITS table HDU of SUBINT type. primary : `` The wrapped PSRFITS main header. verify: bool, optional Whether to do basic verification. Default is `True`. Notes ----- Right now we are assuming the data rows are continuous in time and the frequencies do not vary. """ _properties = ('samples_per_frame', 'sample_shape', 'shape', 'start_time', 'sample_rate', 'polarization', 'frequency', 'bandwidth', 'sideband') """Possibly settable properties that this class provides.""" # NOTE: order of the above matters, as some of the later ones may # need earlier ones (e.g., one cannot set start_time without a shape). _sample_shape_maker = namedtuple('SampleShape', 'nbin, nchan, npol') _shape_maker = namedtuple('Shape', 'nsample, nbin, nchan, npol') def __new__(cls, hdu=None, primary_hdu=None, verify=True): # Map Subint subclasses; # TODO: switch to__init_subclass__ when we only support python>=3.6. try: mode = primary_hdu.obs_mode cls = subint_map[mode] except AttributeError: raise ValueError("need a primary HDU to determine the mode.") except KeyError: raise ValueError("'{}' is not a valid mode.".format(mode)) return super().__new__(cls) def __init__(self, hdu=None, primary_hdu=None, verify=True): self.primary_hdu = primary_hdu self.offset = 0 super().__init__(hdu, verify=verify, hdu_type='SUBINT') self.sample_label = ('nbin', 'nchan', 'npol')
[docs] def verify(self): assert self.header['EXTNAME'].strip() == "SUBINT", \ "Input HDU is not a SUBINT type." assert isinstance(self.primary_hdu, PSRFITSPrimaryHDU), \ "Primary HDU needs to be a PSRFITSPrimaryHDU instance."
@property def mode(self): return self.primary_hdu.obs_mode @property def start_time(self): # Note: subclasses can use or override this. return self.primary_hdu.start_time @property def _has_data(self): # TODO: surely there is a better way... return (self.hdu._file is not None or self.hdu._buffer is not None or self.hdu._has_data) @property def data(self): if not self._has_data: try: dims = tuple(self.sample_shape)[::-1] except AttributeError: raise AttributeError('can only initialize data ' 'if sample_shape is set.') from None # It really seems necessary to change a private attribute... self.hdu.columns.change_attrib('DATA', '_dims', dims) repr_dims = repr(dims).replace(' ', '') self.hdu.columns.change_attrib('DATA', 'dim', repr_dims) = np.zeros(self.nrow, self.hdu.columns.dtype) return @data.deleter def data(self): del del self.hdu.columns._dims del self.hdu.columns.dtype @property def nrow(self): return self.header['NAXIS2'] @nrow.setter def nrow(self, value): if self.hdu._has_data: raise AttributeError('can only set nrow on empty HDU. ' 'Delete data first.') self.hdu.header['NAXIS2'] = operator.index(value) @property def nchan(self): nchan = self.header['NCHAN'] if nchan == '*': raise AttributeError('nchan has not yet been set.') return nchan @nchan.setter def nchan(self, value): if self._has_data: raise AttributeError('can only set nchan on empty HDU. ' 'Delete data first.') self.hdu.header['NCHAN'] = operator.index(value) @property def npol(self): npol = self.header['NPOL'] if npol == '*': raise AttributeError('npol has not yet been set.') return npol @npol.setter def npol(self, value): if self._has_data: raise AttributeError('can only set npol on empty HDU. ' 'Delete data first.') self.hdu.header['NPOL'] = operator.index(value) @property def nbin(self): nbin = self.header['NBIN'] if nbin == '*': raise AttributeError('nbin has not yet been set.') return nbin @nbin.setter def nbin(self, value): if self._has_data: raise AttributeError('can only set nbin on empty HDU. ' 'Delete data first.') self.hdu.header['NBIN'] = operator.index(value) @property def sample_shape(self): return self._sample_shape_maker(self.nbin, self.nchan, self.npol) @sample_shape.setter def sample_shape(self, shape): self.nbin = shape[0] self.nchan = shape[1] self.npol = shape[2] @property def shape(self): return self._shape_maker(self.nrow * self.samples_per_frame, self.nbin, self.nchan, self.npol) @shape.setter def shape(self, shape): assert shape[0] % self.samples_per_frame == 0, ( 'shape has to an integer multiple of samples_per_frame={}' .format(self.samples_per_frame)) self.sample_shape = shape[1:] self.nrow = shape[0] // self.samples_per_frame @property def polarization(self): pol_type = self.header['POL_TYPE'] # split into equal parts using zip; # see return np.array([map(''.join, zip(*[iter(self.header['POL_TYPE'])] * (len(pol_type) // self.npol)))]) @polarization.setter def polarization(self, value): """ Setter for polarization labels. Parameter --------- value : array-like The names of polarization """ # check if the input value length matches the npol assert len(value) == self.npol, \ ("The input polarization name does not match the number of" " polarizations.") self.hdu.header['POL_TYPE'] = ''.join(value) @property def frequency(self): if 'DAT_FREQ' in freqs = u.Quantity(['DAT_FREQ'][0], u.MHz, copy=False) else: freqs = super().frequency if freqs is not None: freqs = freqs.reshape(-1, 1) return freqs @frequency.setter def frequency(self, freqs): freqs_value = np.atleast_1d(freqs.to_value(u.MHz)) if self.nchan != len(freqs_value): raise ValueError("Frequency size has to match the channle number " "'nchan'.")['DAT_FREQ'] = np.broadcast_to(freqs_value, (self.nrow, self.nchan)) # TODO I am not sure if this is the best way to get the channel # bandwidth. if self.nchan > 1: self.hdu.header['CHAN_BW'] = freqs_value[1] - freqs_value[0] else: pass if self.primary_hdu.frequency is None: self.primary_hdu.frequency = freqs @property def bandwidth(self): try: return np.abs(self.header['CHAN_BW']) * u.MHz except TypeError: return None @bandwidth.setter def bandwidth(self, bandwidth): bandwidth = bandwidth.to_value(u.MHz) if self.sideband == -1: bandwidth *= -1 self.header['CHAN_BW'] = bandwidth @property def sideband(self): try: return np.where(self.header['CHAN_BW'] > 0, np.int8(1), np.int8(-1)) except TypeError: return None @sideband.setter def sideband(self, sideband): assert np.all(np.abs(sideband) == 1), "sideband should be +/- 1" self.header['CHAN_BW'] = sideband * abs(self.header['CHAN_BW']) @lazyproperty def dtype(self): """Data type of the data. Inferred from ``read_data_row(0)``.""" return self.read_data_row(0).dtype
[docs] def read_data_row(self, index, weighted=False): if index >= self.nrow: raise EOFError("cannot read from beyond end of input SUBINT HDU.") row =[index] # Reversed the header shape to match the data data_scale = row['DAT_SCL'].reshape(-1, 1) data_off_set = row['DAT_OFFS'].reshape(-1, 1) try: zero_off = self.header['ZERO_OFF'] # Sometimes zero_off equals * or some such float(zero_off) except Exception: zero_off = 0 result = (row['DATA'] - zero_off) * data_scale + data_off_set if weighted and 'DAT_WTS' in result *= row['DAT_WTS'].reshape(-1, 1) return result
[docs]class PSRSubintHDU(SubintHDU): """Wrapper for PSRFITS SUBINT HDUs, providing baseband-style properties. Parameters ---------- hdu : `` instance The PSRFITS table HDU of SUBINT type. primary : `` The wrapped PSRFITS main header. verify: bool, optional Whether to do basic verification. Default is `True`. Notes ----- Right now we are assuming the data rows are continuous in time and the frequency are the same. """
[docs] def verify(self): super().verify() assert self.mode.upper() == 'PSR', \ "Header HDU is not in the folding mode." assert int(self.header['NBIN']) > 1, \ "Invalid 'NBIN' field in the header." # Check frequency if 'DAT_FREQ' in freqs = u.Quantity(['DAT_FREQ'], u.MHz, copy=False) assert np.array_equiv(freqs[0], freqs), \ "Frequencies are not all the same for different rows." # NOTE some files has large amount of TSUBING differ. comment this part # for right now. # tsubint =['TSUBINT'] # assert all(np.isclose(tsubint[0], tsubint, atol=1e-1)), \ # "TSUBINT differ by large amounts in different rows." d_shape_raw =['DATA'].shape d_shape_header = (self.nbin, self.nchan, self.npol) # The shape has to be inversed since FITS is in the Fortran order. assert d_shape_raw == (self.nrow,) + d_shape_header[::-1], \ "Data shape does not match with the header information."
@property def start_time(self): """Start time of the first sub-integration. Notes ----- The start time is accurate to one pulse period. This calculation below is consistent with PSRCHIVE's definition (defined in psrchive/Base/Classes/Integration.C) """ start_time = super().start_time if "OFFS_SUB" in offset0 = (['OFFS_SUB'][0] -['TSUBINT'][0] * self.samples_per_frame / 2) start_time += u.Quantity(offset0, u.s, copy=False) return start_time @start_time.setter def start_time(self, time): """ Note ---- this sets the start time of the HDU, not the file start time. """ try: _ = self.primary_hdu.start_time except ValueError: self.primary_hdu.start_time = time dt = 0 else: dt = (time - self.primary_hdu.start_time).to(u.s).value['OFFS_SUB'][0] = dt +['TSUBINT'] / 2 @property def samples_per_frame(self): return 1 @property def sample_rate(self): # NOTE we are assuming TSUBINT is uniform; tested in verify, # but as individual numbers seem to vary, take the mean. # TODO: check whether there really isn't a better way!. sample_time = u.Quantity(['TSUBINT'], u.s).mean() return 1.0 / sample_time @sample_rate.setter def sample_rate(self, value): sample_time = 1.0 / value['TSUBINT'] = sample_time.to_value(u.s)
[docs] def close(self): super().close() self.primary_hdu.close()
HDU_map = {'PRIMARY': PSRFITSPrimaryHDU, 'SUBINT': SubintHDU} # TODO maybe we should just use the HDU_map. Is there any psrfits file that # does not have SUBINT data? subint_map = {'PSR': PSRSubintHDU} # TODO: add search HDU # TODO: actually use this template!! hdu_list_template = {'PSR': {'primary': PSRFITSPrimaryHDU, 'data': PSRSubintHDU}}