Source code for baseband_tasks.fourier.pyfftw

# Licensed under the GPLv3 - see LICENSE
"""FFT maker and class using `pyfftw` routines.

Implementation Notes

The code for `PyfftwFFTBase` is relatively complex to ensure that the
input and output arrays are re-used, even between the forward and
backward transforms (if created using :meth:`PyfftwFFTBase.inverse`)


import pyfftw

from .base import FFTMakerBase, FFTBase

__all__ = ['PyfftwFFTBase', 'PyfftwFFTMaker']

[docs]class PyfftwFFTBase(FFTBase): """Single pre-defined FFT based on `pyfftw.FFTW`. To use, initialize an instance, then call the instance to perform the transform. Parameters ---------- direction : 'forward' or 'backward', optional Direction of the FFT. """ _fftw = None _inverse = None def _fft(self, a): if self._fftw is None: a = pyfftw.byte_align(a, n=self._n_simd) self._setup_fftw(a) # Save a bit of useless checking in FFTW if possible. if a is self._fftw.input_array: a = None if self._inverse is None: b = None else: b = self._inverse._fftw.input_array if b is self._fftw.output_array: b = None return self._fftw(a, b)
[docs] def inverse(self): inverse = super().inverse() inverse._inverse = self # Note: _fftw doesn't necessarily exist yet. return inverse
def _setup_fftw(self, a, b=None): # Setup FFTW, creating its byte-aligned input_array and output_array. # We do this on the first call so that we can use the strides of an # actual input array. For any further calls, the inputs will then # simply replace input_array instead of being copied (at least, if # the byte alignment is correct). if self._inverse is not None and self._inverse._fftw is not None: a = self._inverse._fftw.output_array b = self._inverse._fftw.input_array else: if self.direction == 'forward': assert a.shape == self._time_shape assert a.dtype == self._time_dtype if b is None: b = pyfftw.empty_aligned(self._frequency_shape, self._frequency_dtype, n=self._n_simd) else: assert a.shape == self._frequency_shape assert a.dtype == self._frequency_dtype if b is None: b = pyfftw.empty_aligned(self._time_shape, self._time_dtype, n=self._n_simd) direction = 'FFTW_{}'.format(self.direction.upper()) self._fftw = pyfftw.FFTW(a, b, axes=(self.axis,), direction=direction, normalise_idft=self._normalise_idft, ortho=self._ortho, **self._fftw_kwargs) # Set up original with same arrays if it wasn't set up before us, # so that self._inverse._fftw is guaranteed to exist in _fft. if self._inverse is not None and self._inverse._fftw is None: self._inverse._setup_fftw(b, a)
[docs]class PyfftwFFTMaker(FFTMakerBase): """FFT factory class utilizing the `pyfftw` package. Analagous to `~numpy.fft.rfft`, FFTs of real-valued time-domain data perform a real-input transform on one dimension of the input, halving that dimension's length in the output. ``__init__`` is used to set package-level options, such as ``n_simd``, while `~baseband_tasks.fourier.pyfftw.PyfftwFFTMaker.__call__` creates individual transforms. Parameters ---------- n_simd : int or None, optional Single Instruction Multiple Data (SIMD) alignment in bytes. If `None`, uses ``pyfftw.simd_alignment``, which is found by inspecting the CPU. **kwargs Optional keywords to `pyfftw.FFTW` class, including planning flags, the number of threads to be used, and the planning time limit. """ _FFTBase = PyfftwFFTBase def __init__(self, n_simd=None, **kwargs): self._n_simd = pyfftw.simd_alignment if n_simd is None else n_simd self._fftw_kwargs = kwargs super().__init__()
[docs] def __call__(self, shape, dtype, direction='forward', axis=0, ortho=False, sample_rate=None): """Creates an FFT. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple Shape of the time-domain data array, i.e. the input to the forward transform and the output of the inverse. dtype : str or `~numpy.dtype` Data type of the time-domain data array. May pass either the name of the dtype or the `~numpy.dtype` object. direction : 'forward' or 'backward', optional Direction of the FFT. axis : int, optional Axis to transform. Default: 0. ortho : bool, optional Whether to use orthogonal normalization. Default: `False`. sample_rate : float, `~astropy.units.Quantity`, or None, optional Sample rate, used to determine the FFT sample frequencies. If `None`, a unitless rate of 1 is used. Returns ------- fft : ``PyfftwFFT`` instance Single pre-defined FFT object. """ # Ensure arguments have proper types and values. return super().__call__( shape=shape, dtype=dtype, direction=direction, axis=axis, ortho=ortho, sample_rate=sample_rate, normalise_idft=(False if ortho else True), n_simd=self._n_simd, fftw_kwargs=self._fftw_kwargs)
def __repr__(self): self._repr_kwargs = dict(n_simd=self._n_simd) self._repr_kwargs.update(self._fftw_kwargs) return super().__repr__()