Source code for baseband_tasks.fourier.base

# Licensed under the GPLv3 - see LICENSE
"""Base classes and tools for the fourier module.

Implementation Notes

The base classes provide common code for adding new FFT engines.

In particular, the `FFTMakerBase` class is subclassed to create
``*FFTMaker`` classes (where ``*`` stands for a package such as `pyfftw`
or `numpy`).  These classes are initialized with default information
needed for creating an FFT instance. For instance, for
``PyfftwFFTMaker``, this holds ``flags``, ``threads``, etc. Via the
`FFTMakerMeta` meta class, all such maker classes are registered in the
`FFT_MAKER_CLASSES` dict, keyed by a lower-case version of the name
(with ``fftmaker`` removed).

These ``*FFTMaker`` instances in turn can be used, via their
``__call__`` method, to create ``*FFT`` subclass instances, setting
relevant attributes such as ``time_shape``, ``time_dtype``, ``axis``,
etc., and instantiating them for a given direction.

The ``*FFT`` classes themselves are most easily based on `FFTBase`,
which defines properties for accessing the various attributes, a default
``__init__`` method that allows on to create an instance for a given
direction of the FFT, and a :meth:`FFTBase.__call__` method for actually
doing the FFT on data.  The `FFTBase` class also defines convenience
properties, such as `FFTBase.frequency` to get the sample frequencies,
and :meth:`FFTBase.inverse` for getting the FFT in the inverse

Selection of a default FFT package is done via `fft_maker`, which stores
a default ``*FFTMaker`` instance.  It is based on
`astropy.utils.state.ScienceState`, but adds a `fft_maker.system_default`
factory that one can access by setting the state to `None`, as well as
``__new__`` method which allows one to use the default ``*FFTMaker``
instance to create an ``*FFT`` instance.


import operator

import numpy as np
from astropy.utils.decorators import classproperty
from astropy.utils.state import ScienceState

__all__ = ['FFTMakerBase', 'FFTBase', 'fft_maker',
           'FFTMakerMeta', 'FFT_MAKER_CLASSES']

__doctest_requires__ = {'fft_maker*': ['pyfftw']}

"""Dict for storing FFT maker classes, indexed by their name or prefix."""

[docs]class FFTBase: """Framework for single pre-defined FFT and its associated metadata.""" def __init__(self, direction): self._direction = direction if direction == 'backward' else 'forward' @property def direction(self): """Direction of the FFT ('forward' or 'backward').""" return self._direction @property def time_shape(self): """Shape of the time-domain data.""" return self._time_shape @property def time_dtype(self): """Data type of the time-domain data.""" return self._time_dtype @property def frequency_shape(self): """Shape of the frequency-domain data.""" return self._frequency_shape @property def frequency_dtype(self): """Data type of the frequency-domain data.""" return self._frequency_dtype @property def axis(self): """Axis over which to perform the FFT.""" return self._axis @property def ortho(self): """Use orthogonal normalization. If `True`, both forward and backward transforms are scaled by 1 / sqrt(n), where n is the size of time-domain array's transform axis. If `False`, forward transforms are unscaled and inverse ones scaled by 1 / n. """ return self._ortho @property def sample_rate(self): """Rate of samples in the time domain.""" return self._sample_rate # While calculating the frequencies is fairly involved, we do not cache # the result using, e.g., a lazyproperty, since the array could be quite # large, and internally at least we access this information only once. @property def frequency(self): """FFT sample frequencies. Uses `numpy.fft.fftfreq` for complex time-domain data, which returns, for an array of length n and a time-domain ``sample_rate``, f = [0, 1, ..., n/2-1, -n/2, ..., -1] * sample_rate / n if n is even, and f = [0, 1, ..., (n-1)/2, -(n-1)/2, ..., -1] * sample_rate / n if n is odd. For real time-domain data, `numpy.fft.rfftfreq` is used, which returns f = [0, 1, ..., n/2-1, n/2] * sample_rate / n if n is even, and f = [0, 1, ..., (n-1)/2-1, (n-1)/2] * sample_rate / n if n is odd. If ``sample_rate`` is `None`, a unitless rate of 1 is used. Returns ------- frequency : `~numpy.ndarray` or array of `~astropy.units.Quantity` Sample frequencies, with shape (len(f), 1, ..., 1). The trailing dimensions of length unity are to facilitate broadcasting when operating on ``frequency``. """ sample_rate = 1. if self.sample_rate is None else self.sample_rate a_length = self._time_shape[self.axis] if self._time_dtype.kind == 'f': frequency = np.fft.rfftfreq(a_length, d=(1. / sample_rate)) else: frequency = np.fft.fftfreq(a_length, d=(1. / sample_rate)) # Reshape frequencys to add trailing dimensions. frequency.shape = (frequency.shape + (len(self._time_shape) - self.axis - 1) * (1,)) return frequency
[docs] def __call__(self, a): """Perform FFT. To display the direction of the transform and shapes and dtypes of the arrays, use `print` or `repr`. Parameters ---------- a : array_like Input data. Returns ------- out : `~numpy.ndarray` Transformed data. """ return self._fft(a)
[docs] def inverse(self): """Return inverse transform. If the type of fourier transform allows it (e.g., PyFFTW), the inverse transform will have its input array matched to the output array and vice versa, i.e., a sequence transforming some input data, do in-place calculations on the output fourier spectrum, and then transform back, will overwrite the input data. If this is not wanted, instantiate a new class directly (e.g., ``forward.__class__(direction='backward')``. Returns ------- inverse_transform : `~baseband_tasks.fourier.base.FFTBase` subclass Returns a new instance of the calling class with reversed transform direction. """ return self.__class__( direction=('forward' if self.direction == 'backward' else 'backward'))
def __copy__(self): return self.__class__(direction=self.direction) def __eq__(self, other): return (self.direction == other.direction and self.time_shape == other.time_shape and self.time_dtype == other.time_dtype and self.frequency_shape == other.frequency_shape and self.frequency_dtype == other.frequency_dtype and self.axis == other.axis and self.ortho == other.ortho and self.sample_rate == other.sample_rate) def __repr__(self): return ("<{s.__class__.__name__}" " direction={s.direction},\n" " axis={s.axis}, ortho={s.ortho}," " sample_rate={s.sample_rate}\n" " Time domain: shape={s.time_shape}," " dtype={s.time_dtype}\n" " Frequency domain: shape={s.frequency_shape}," " dtype={s.frequency_dtype}>".format(s=self))
[docs]class FFTMakerMeta(type): """Registry of FFT maker classes. Registers classes using the `FFT_MAKER_CLASSES` dict, using a key generated by lowercasing the class's name and removing any trailing 'fftmaker' (eg. the key for 'NumpyFFTMaker' is 'numpy'). The class automatically registers any subclass of `FFTMakerBase`, checking for key conflicts before registering. Used by `fft_maker` to select classes. Users that wish to register their own FFT maker class should either subclass `FFTMakerBase` or use `FFTMakerMeta` as the metaclass. """ _registry = FFT_MAKER_CLASSES def __init__(cls, name, bases, dct): # Ignore FFTMakerBase. if name != 'FFTMakerBase': # Extract name from class. key = name.lower() if key.endswith('fftmaker') and len(key) > 8: key = key[:-8] # Check if class is already registered. if key in FFTMakerMeta._registry: raise ValueError("key {0} already registered in " "FFT_MAKER_CLASSES.".format(key)) FFTMakerMeta._registry[key] = cls super().__init__(name, bases, dct)
[docs]class FFTMakerBase(metaclass=FFTMakerMeta): """Base class for all FFT factories.""" _FFTBase = FFTBase _repr_kwargs = {}
[docs] def __call__(self, shape, dtype, direction='forward', axis=0, ortho=False, sample_rate=None, **kwargs): """Create an FFT instance. This method should generally by overridden by subclasses. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple Shape of the time-domain data array, i.e. the input to the forward transform and the output of the inverse. dtype : str or `~numpy.dtype` Data type of the time-domain data array. May pass either the name of the dtype or the `~numpy.dtype` object. direction : 'forward' or 'backward', optional Direction of the FFT. axis : int, optional Axis to transform. Default: 0. ortho : bool, optional Whether to use orthogonal normalization. Default: `False`. sample_rate : float, `~astropy.units.Quantity`, or None, optional Sample rate, used to determine the FFT sample frequencies. If `None`, a unitless rate of 1 is used. Returns ------- fft : ``cls._FFTBase`` instance Single pre-defined FFT object. """ # Ensure arguments have proper types and values. time_shape = tuple(shape) time_dtype = np.dtype(dtype) axis = operator.index(axis) # Store time and frequency-domain array shapes. frequency_shape, frequency_dtype = self.get_frequency_data_info( time_shape, time_dtype, axis=axis) attributes = dict( _time_shape=time_shape, _time_dtype=time_dtype, _frequency_shape=frequency_shape, _frequency_dtype=frequency_dtype, _axis=axis, _ortho=bool(ortho), _sample_rate=sample_rate) for key, value in kwargs.items(): attributes['_' + key] = value cls = type(self._FFTBase.__name__.replace('Base', ''), (self._FFTBase,), attributes) return cls(direction)
[docs] def get_frequency_data_info(self, shape, dtype, axis=0): """Determine frequency-domain array shape and dtype. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple Shape of the time-domain data array, i.e. the input to the forward transform and the output of the inverse. dtype : str or `~numpy.dtype` Data type of the time-domain data array. May pass either the name of the dtype or the `~numpy.dtype` object. axis : int, optional Axis of transform. Default: 0. Returns ------- frequency_shape : tuple Shape of the frequency-domain data array. frequency_dtype : `~numpy.dtype` Data type of the frequency-domain data array. """ if dtype.kind == 'f': frequency_shape = list(shape) frequency_shape[axis] = shape[axis] // 2 + 1 frequency_dtype = np.dtype('c{0:d}'.format(2 * dtype.itemsize)) return tuple(frequency_shape), frequency_dtype # No need to make a copy, since we're not altering shape. return shape, dtype
def __repr__(self): return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(['{}={}'.format(k, v) for k, v in self._repr_kwargs.items()]))
[docs]class fft_maker(ScienceState): """Create an FFT, with a settable default engine. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple Shape of the time-domain data array, i.e. the input to the forward transform and the output of the inverse. dtype : `~numpy.dtype` Data type of the time-domain data array. May pass either a `~numpy.dtype` instance, or anything that initializes one. direction : 'forward' or 'backward', optional Direction of the FFT. Default: 'forward' axis : int, optional Axis to transform. Default: 0. ortho : bool, optional Whether to use orthogonal normalization. Default: `False`. sample_rate : float, `~astropy.units.Quantity`, or None, optional Sample rate, used to determine the FFT sample frequencies. If `None`, a unitless rate of 1 is used. Notes ----- The `fft_maker.set` method can be used to set the default engine for all tasks that require fourier transforms. Examples -------- To set up to use numpy's fft, and then create an fft function acting on arrays of 1000 elements:: >>> from baseband_tasks.fourier import fft_maker >>> from astropy import units as u >>> with fft_maker.set('numpy'): ... fft = fft_maker((1000,), 'complex64', sample_rate=1.*u.kHz) >>> fft <NumpyFFT direction=forward, axis=0, ortho=False, sample_rate=1.0 kHz Time domain: shape=(1000,), dtype=complex64 Frequency domain: shape=(1000,), dtype=complex64> """ # This is set in __init__. _system_default = None _value = None def __new__(cls, shape, dtype, *, direction='forward', axis=0, ortho=False, sample_rate=None): fft_engine = cls.get() return fft_engine(shape, dtype, direction=direction, axis=axis, ortho=ortho, sample_rate=sample_rate) @classproperty def system_default(cls): """System default FFT factory.""" return cls._system_default
[docs] @classmethod def validate(cls, value): if value is None: value = cls.system_default if not isinstance(value, FFTMakerBase): raise TypeError("Can only set the default to an instance of " "a FFT maker such as NumpyFFTMaker().") return value
[docs] @classmethod def set(cls, fft_engine, **kwargs): """Set the FFT factory to be used in new tasks. This method can be used to set the factory only temporarily, by using it as a context in a ``with`` statement. Parameters ---------- fft_engine : {'numpy', 'pyfftw'}, FFTMaker instance, or `None` Keyword identifying the FFT maker class to create, or an FFT maker instance. If `None`, the engine stored in the ``system_default`` attribute is used. **kwargs Additional keyword arguments for initializing the maker class (eg. ``n_simd`` for 'pyfftw'). Only allowed when ``fft_engine`` is a name of a maker class. Examples -------- To use PyFFTW on a machine with 4 threads:: >>> from baseband_tasks.fourier import fft_maker >>> fft_maker.set('pyfftw', threads=4) <ScienceState fft_maker: PyfftwFFTMaker(...)> This factory will be used by default when defining new tasks that need fourier transforms (channelization, dedispersion, etc.) To reset to the system default, pass in `None`:: >>> fft_maker.set(None) # doctest: +IGNORE_OUTPUT >>> assert fft_maker.get() is fft_maker.system_default To use the settings only for a few specific tasks:: >>> with fft_maker.set('numpy'): # doctest: +SKIP ... ch = Channelize(fh, 1024) """ if fft_engine is None: fft_engine = cls.system_default elif not isinstance(fft_engine, FFTMakerBase): fft_engine = FFT_MAKER_CLASSES[fft_engine](**kwargs) elif kwargs: raise TypeError("cannot pass keyword arguments except if " "fft_engine is the name of an FFT maker.") return super().set(fft_engine)