Source code for baseband_tasks.combining

# Licensed under the GPLv3 - see LICENSE
import numpy as np
from astropy import units as u

from .base import TaskBase, Task, META_ATTRIBUTES

__all__ = ['CombineStreamsBase', 'CombineStreams', 'Concatenate', 'Stack']

[docs]class CombineStreamsBase(TaskBase): """Base class for combining streams. Similar to `~baseband_tasks.base.TaskBase`, where a subclass can define a ``task`` method to operate on data, but specifically for methods that combine data from multiple streams that share a time axis. This base class ensures the operation is possible and that the ``frequency``, ``sideband``, and ``polarization`` attributes are adjusted similarly. Parameters ---------- ihs : tuple of task or `baseband` stream readers Input data streams. atol : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Tolerance in units of time within which streams should be considered aligned. By default, the lesser of 1 ns or 0.01 sample. samples_per_frame : int, optional Number of samples which should be fed to the function in one go. If not given, by default the number from the first underlying file. Useful mostly to change a possibly very large number. **kwargs Additional arguments to be passed on to the base class. """ # Implementation detail: kwargs allows easier combining with Task below. def __init__(self, ihs, *, atol=None, samples_per_frame=None, **kwargs): try: ih0 = ihs[0] except (TypeError, IndexError) as exc: exc.args += ("Need an iterable containing at least one stream.",) raise # Check consistency of the streams, and determine common time. start_time = ih0.start_time stop_time = ih0.stop_time for ih in ihs[1:]: assert ih.sample_rate == ih0.sample_rate assert ih.dtype == ih0.dtype start_time = max(start_time, ih.start_time) stop_time = min(stop_time, ih.stop_time) # Extract relevant parts of each file, checking they are aligned well. # TODO: use future Resample class to lift alignment restriction? ihs = [ih[] for ih in ihs] max_offset = max(abs(ih.start_time - start_time) for ih in ihs) if atol is None: atol = min(1. * u.ns, 0.01 / ih0.sample_rate) if max_offset > atol: raise ValueError(f"streams only aligned to {max_offset}, " f"not within {atol}.") # Check that the stream samples can be combined. fakes = [np.empty((7,) + ih.sample_shape, ih.dtype) for ih in ihs] try: a = self.task(fakes) except Exception as exc: exc.args += ("streams with sample shapes {} cannot be combined " "as required".format([f.shape[1:] for f in fakes]),) raise if a.shape[0] != 7: raise ValueError("combination affected the sample axis (0).") self.ihs = ihs shape = ihs[0].shape[:1] + a.shape[1:] for attr in META_ATTRIBUTES: if attr not in kwargs: kwargs[attr] = self._combine_attr(attr) super().__init__(ihs[0], start_time=start_time, shape=shape, samples_per_frame=samples_per_frame, **kwargs) def _combine_attr(self, attr): """Combine the given attribute from all streams. Parameters ---------- attr : str Attribute to look up and combine Returns ------- combined : None or combined array `None` if all attributes were `None`. """ values = [getattr(ih, attr, None) for ih in self.ihs] if all(value is None for value in values): return None values = [np.broadcast_to(value, (1,) + ih.sample_shape, subok=True) for value, ih in zip(values, self.ihs)] try: result = self.task(values) except Exception as exc: exc.args += ("the {} attribute of the streams cannot be combined " "as required".format(attr),) raise return result[0]
[docs] def close(self): super().close() for ih in self.ihs[1:]: ih.close()
def _seek_frame(self, frame_index): for ih in self.ihs: * self._ih_samples_per_frame) return ih.tell() def _read_frame(self, frame_index): """Read and combine data from the underlying filehandles.""" start = self._seek_frame(frame_index) stop = min(start + self._ih_samples_per_frame, self._ih_stop) data = [ for ih in self.ihs] return self.task(data) def _repr_item(self, key, default, value=None): if key == 'ihs': return 'ihs' else: return super()._repr_item(key, default=default, value=value) def __repr__(self): extra = f"\nihs: {len(self.ihs)} streams of which the first is:\n " return super().__repr__().replace('\nih: ', extra)
[docs]class CombineStreams(Task, CombineStreamsBase): """Combining streams using a callable. Parameters ---------- ihs : tuple of task or `baseband` stream readers Input data streams. task : callable The function or method-like callable. The task must work with any number of data samples and combine the samples only. It will also be applied to the ``frequency``, ``sideband``, and ``polarization`` attributes of the underlying stream (if present). method : bool, optional Whether ``task`` is a method (two arguments) or a function (one argument). Default: inferred by inspection. atol : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Tolerance in units of time within which streams should be considered aligned. By default, the lesser of 1 ns or 0.01 sample. samples_per_frame : int, optional Number of samples which should be fed to the function in one go. If not given, by default the number from the first underlying file. Useful mostly to change a possibly very large number. See Also -------- Concatenate : to concatenate streams along an existing axis Stack : to stack streams together along a new axis """ # Override init just to change name of ih to ihs. def __init__(self, ihs, task, method=None, *, atol=None, samples_per_frame=None): super().__init__(ihs, task, method=method, atol=atol, samples_per_frame=samples_per_frame)
[docs]class Concatenate(CombineStreamsBase): """Concatenate streams along an existing axis. Parameters ---------- ihs : tuple of task or `baseband` stream readers Input data streams. axis : int Axis along which to combine the samples. Should be a sample axis and thus cannot be 0. atol : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Tolerance in units of time within which streams should be considered aligned. By default, the lesser of 1 ns or 0.01 sample. samples_per_frame : int, optional Number of samples which should be fed to the function in one go. If not given, by default the number from the first underlying file. Useful mostly to change a possibly very large number. See Also -------- Stack : to stack streams along a new axis CombineStreams : to combine streams with a user-supplied function """ def __init__(self, ihs, axis=1, *, atol=None, samples_per_frame=None): self.axis = axis super().__init__(ihs, atol=atol, samples_per_frame=samples_per_frame)
[docs] def task(self, data): """Concatenate the pieces of data together.""" # Reuse frame for in-place output if possible. if getattr(self._frame, 'shape', [-1])[0] == data[0].shape[0]: out = self._frame else: out = None return np.concatenate(data, axis=self.axis, out=out)
[docs]class Stack(CombineStreamsBase): """Stack streams along a new axis. Parameters ---------- ihs : tuple of task or `baseband` stream readers Input data streams. axis : int New axis along which to stack the samples. Should be a sample axis and thus cannot be 0. atol : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Tolerance in units of time within which streams should be considered aligned. By default, the lesser of 1 ns or 0.01 sample. samples_per_frame : int, optional Number of samples which should be fed to the function in one go. If not given, by default the number from the first underlying file. Useful mostly to change a possibly very large number. See Also -------- Concatenate : to concatenate streams along an existing axis CombineStreams : to combine streams with a user-supplied function """ def __init__(self, ihs, axis=1, *, atol=None, samples_per_frame=None): self.axis = axis super().__init__(ihs, atol=atol, samples_per_frame=samples_per_frame)
[docs] def task(self, data): """Stack the pieces of data.""" # Reuse frame for in-place output if possible. if getattr(self._frame, 'shape', [-1])[0] == data[0].shape[0]: out = self._frame else: out = None return np.stack(data, axis=self.axis, out=out)