Source code for baseband_tasks.channelize

# Licensed under the GPLv3 - see LICENSE

import operator

from .base import TaskBase, getattr_if_none
from .fourier import fft_maker

__all__ = ['Channelize', 'Dechannelize']

[docs]class Channelize(TaskBase): """Basic channelizer. Divides input into blocks of ``n`` time samples, Fourier transforming each block. The output sample shape is ``(channel,) + ih.sample_shape``. Parameters ---------- ih : task or `baseband` stream reader Input data stream, with time as the first axis. n : int Number of input samples to channelize. For complex input, output will have ``n`` channels; for real input, it will have ``n // 2 + 1``. samples_per_frame : int, optional Number of complete output samples per frame (see Notes). Default: 1. frequency : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Frequencies for each channel in ``ih`` (channelized frequencies will be calculated). Default: taken from ``ih`` (if available). sideband : array, optional Whether frequencies in ``ih`` are upper (+1) or lower (-1) sideband. Default: taken from ``ih`` (if available). See Also -------- baseband_tasks.fourier.fft_maker : to select the FFT package used. Notes ----- Instances initialize an FFT that acts upon axis 1 of an input with shape:: (samples_per_frame, n) + ih.sample_shape Setting ``samples_per_frame`` to a number larger than 1 results in the FFT performing channelization on multiple blocks per call. Depending on the backend used, this may speed up sequential channelization, though for tests using `numpy.fft` the performance improvement seems to be negligible. """ def __init__(self, ih, n, samples_per_frame=1, *, frequency=None, sideband=None): self._n = n = operator.index(n) samples_per_frame = operator.index(samples_per_frame) # Initialize channelizer. self._FFT = fft_maker.get() self._fft = self._FFT((samples_per_frame, n) + ih.sample_shape, ih.dtype, axis=1, sample_rate=ih.sample_rate) frequency = getattr_if_none(ih, 'frequency', frequency, required=False) sideband = getattr_if_none(ih, 'sideband', sideband, required=False) if frequency is not None: # Do not use in-place, since frequency may have simplified shape. frequency = frequency + self._fft.frequency * sideband sample_rate = ih.sample_rate / n shape = (-1,) + self._fft.frequency_shape[1:] super().__init__(ih, shape=shape, sample_rate=sample_rate, samples_per_frame=samples_per_frame, frequency=frequency, sideband=sideband, dtype=self._fft.frequency_dtype)
[docs] def task(self, data): return self._fft(data.reshape(self._fft.time_shape))
[docs] def inverse(self, ih): """Create a Dechannelize instance that undoes this Channelization. Parameters ---------- ih : task or `baseband` stream reader Input data stream to be dechannelized. """ # TODO: would be nicer to somehow use _fft.inverse(). with fft_maker.set(self._FFT): return Dechannelize(ih, n=self._fft.time_shape[1], dtype=self._fft.time_dtype)
[docs]class Dechannelize(TaskBase): """Basic dechannelizer. Inverse Fourier transform on first sample axis (which gets removed). Parameters ---------- ih : task or `baseband` stream reader Input data stream, with time as the first axis, and Fourier channel as the second. n : int, optional Number of output samples to create for each spectrum. By default, for complex output data, the same as the number of channels. For real output data, the number has to be passed in. samples_per_frame : int, optional Number of output samples to produce in one go. Rounded to the nearest multiple of ``n``. Default: inferred from underlying stream, i.e., ``ih.samples_per_frame * n``. dtype : `~numpy.dtype`, optional Dtype of the output samples. Default: complex (like ``ih``). frequency : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Frequencies for each output channel. Default: inferred from ``ih`` (if available). sideband : array, optional Whether frequencies are upper (+1) or lower (-1) sideband. Default: taken from ``ih`` (if available). See Also -------- baseband_tasks.fourier.fft_maker : to select the FFT package used. Notes ----- To construct a Dechannelizer for a given Channelizer instance, use the ``from_channelizer`` classmethod. """ def __init__(self, ih, n=None, samples_per_frame=None, *, dtype=None, frequency=None, sideband=None): assert ih.complex_data, "Dechannelization needs complex spectra." if dtype is None: dtype = ih.dtype # this keeps it complex by default. if n is None: if dtype.kind == 'c': n = ih.sample_shape[0] else: raise ValueError("need explicit 'n' for real transform.") else: n = operator.index(n) if samples_per_frame is None: ih_samples_per_frame = ih.samples_per_frame else: ih_samples_per_frame = max(int(round(samples_per_frame / n)), 1) # Initialize dechannelizer. self._FFT = fft_maker.get() self._ifft = self._FFT((ih_samples_per_frame, n) + ih.sample_shape[1:], dtype=dtype, axis=1, direction='backward') sample_rate = ih.sample_rate * n if frequency is None and getattr(ih, 'frequency', None) is not None: frequency = ih.frequency[0] super().__init__(ih, shape=(-1,) + ih.shape[2:], sample_rate=sample_rate, ih_samples_per_frame=ih_samples_per_frame, frequency=frequency, sideband=sideband, dtype=self._ifft.time_dtype) self._n = n
[docs] def task(self, data): return self._ifft(data).reshape((-1,) + self.sample_shape)
[docs] def inverse(self, ih): """Create a Channelize instance that undoes this Dechannelization. Parameters ---------- ih : task or `baseband` stream reader Input data stream to be channelized. """ # TODO: would be nicer to somehow use _fft.inverse(). with fft_maker.set(self._FFT): return Channelize(ih, n=self._ifft.time_shape[1])