Source code for baseband.dada.header

# Licensed under the GPLv3 - see LICENSE
Definitions for DADA pulsar baseband headers.

Implements a DADAHeader class used to store header definitions in a FITS
header, and read & write these from files.

The DADA headers are described in the DADA software specification, at

See also :ref:`dada_header`.
import io
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict

import astropy.units as u
from astropy.time import Time

__all__ = ['DADAHeader']

[docs]class DADAHeader(OrderedDict): """DADA baseband file format header. Defines a number of routines common to all baseband format headers. Parameters ---------- *args : str or iterable If a string, parsed as a DADA header from a file, otherwise as for the OrderedDict baseclass. verify : bool, optional Whether to do minimal verification that the header is consistent with the DADA standard. Default: `True`. mutable : bool, optional Whether to allow the header to be changed after initialisation. Default: `True`. **kwargs Any further header keywords to be set. If any value is a 2-item tuple, the second one will be considered a comment. Notes ----- Like `~collections.OrderedDict`, in order to ensure keywords are kept in the right order, one should pass on values as a tuple, not as a dict. E.g., to copy a header, one should not do ``DADAHeader(**header)``, but rather:: DADAHeader(((key, header[key]) for key in header)) or, to also keep the comments:: DADAHeader(((key, (header[key], header.comments[key])) for key in header)) """ _properties = ('payload_nbytes', 'frame_nbytes', 'bps', 'complex_data', 'sample_shape', 'sample_rate', 'sideband', 'tsamp', 'samples_per_frame', 'offset', 'start_time', 'time') """Properties accessible/usable in initialisation for all headers.""" _defaults = [('HEADER', 'DADA'), ('HDR_VERSION', '1.0'), ('HDR_SIZE', 4096), ('DADA_VERSION', '1.0'), ('OBS_ID', 'unset'), ('PRIMARY', 'unset'), ('SECONDARY', 'unset'), ('FILE_NAME', 'unset'), ('FILE_NUMBER', 0), ('FILE_SIZE', 0), ('OBS_OFFSET', 0), ('OBS_OVERLAP', 0), ('SOURCE', 'unset'), ('TELESCOPE', 'unset'), ('INSTRUMENT', 'unset'), ('RECEIVER', 'unset'), ('NBIT', 8), ('NDIM', 1), ('NPOL', 1), ('NCHAN', 1), ('RESOLUTION', 1), ('DSB', 1)] def __init__(self, *args, verify=True, mutable=True, **kwargs): self.mutable = True self.comments = {} if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], str): args = (self._fromlines(args[0].split('\n')),) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.mutable = mutable if verify and (args or kwargs): self.verify()
[docs] def verify(self): """Basic check of integrity.""" assert self['HEADER'] == 'DADA' assert all(key in self for key in ('HDR_VERSION', 'HDR_SIZE', 'DADA_VERSION'))
[docs] def copy(self): """Create a mutable and independent copy of the header.""" # Cannot do super().copy(), since this first initializes an empty # header, which does not pass verification. new = self.__class__(self) new.comments = self.comments.copy() new.mutable = True return new
def __copy__(self): return self.copy() @staticmethod def _fromlines(lines): """Interpret a list of lines as a header, converting its values.""" args = [] for line_no, line in enumerate(lines): split = line.strip().split('#') comment = split[1].strip() if (len(split) > 1 and split[1]) else None split = split[0].strip().split() if split else [] key = split[0] if split and split[0] else '_{0:d}'.format(line_no) value = split[1] if (len(split) > 1 and split[1]) else None if key in ('FILE_SIZE', 'FILE_NUMBER', 'HDR_SIZE', 'OBS_OFFSET', 'OBS_OVERLAP', 'NBIT', 'NDIM', 'NPOL', 'NCHAN', 'RESOLUTION', 'DSB'): value = int(value) elif key in ('FREQ', 'BW', 'TSAMP'): value = float(value) args.append((key, (value, comment))) return args def _tolines(self): """Write header to a list of strings.""" lines = [] for key in self: value = self[key] comment = self.comments.get(key, None) if value is not None: if comment is not None: line = '{0} {1} # {2}'.format(key, value, comment) else: line = '{0} {1}'.format(key, value) else: if comment is not None: line = '# {0}'.format(comment) else: line = '' lines.append(line) return lines
[docs] @classmethod def fromfile(cls, fh, verify=True): """ Reads in DADA header block from a file. The file pointer should be at the start. Parameters ---------- fh : filehandle To read data from. verify: bool, optional Whether to do basic checks on whether the header is valid. Default: `True`. """ start_pos = fh.tell() hdr_size = 4096 lines = [] while fh.tell() - start_pos < hdr_size: line = fh.readline().decode('ascii') if line == '': # empty lines are '\n' raise EOFError if line[0] == '#' and 'end of header' in line: break if line.startswith('HDR_SIZE'): hdr_size = int(line.split()[1]) lines.append(line) if fh.tell() - start_pos > hdr_size: warnings.warn("Odd, read {0} bytes while the header size is {1}" .format(fh.tell(), hdr_size)) else: + hdr_size) return cls(cls._fromlines(lines), verify=verify, mutable=False)
[docs] def tofile(self, fh): """Write DADA file header to filehandle. Parts of the header beyond the ascii lines are filled with 0x00. Note that file should in principle be at the start, but we don't check for that since that would break SequentialFileWriter. """ start_pos = fh.tell() with io.BytesIO() as s: for line in self._tolines(): s.write((line + '\n').encode('ascii')) s.write('# end of header\n'.encode('ascii')) extra = self.nbytes - s.tell() if extra < 0: raise ValueError("cannot write header in allocated size of " "{0}".format(self.nbytes)) fh.write( if extra: fh.write(b'\00' * extra) assert fh.tell() - start_pos == self.nbytes
[docs] @classmethod def fromkeys(cls, *args, **kwargs): """Initialise a header from keyword values. Like fromvalues, but without any interpretation of keywords. This just calls the class initializer; it is present for compatibility with other header classes only. """ # Setting one kwarg ensures we do not return an empty header. if not args: kwargs.setdefault('HEADER', 'DADA') return cls(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @classmethod def fromvalues(cls, **kwargs): """Initialise a header from parsed values. Here, the parsed values must be given as keyword arguments, i.e., for any ``header``, ``cls.fromvalues(**header) == header``. However, unlike for the ``fromkeys`` class method, data can also be set using arguments named after header methods, such as ``time``. Furthermore, some header defaults are set in ``DADAHeader._defaults``. """ self = cls(cls._defaults, verify=False) self.update(**kwargs) return self
[docs] def update(self, *, verify=True, **kwargs): """Update the header with new values. Here, any keywords matching properties are processed as well, in the order set by the class (in ``_properties``), and after all other keywords have been processed. Parameters ---------- verify : bool, optional If `True` (default), verify integrity after updating. **kwargs Arguments used to set keywords and properties. """ # Remove kwargs that set properties, in correct order. extras = [(key, kwargs.pop(key)) for key in self._properties if key in kwargs] # Update the normal keywords. super().update(**kwargs) # Now set the properties. for attr, value in extras: setattr(self, attr, value) if verify: self.verify()
def __setitem__(self, key, value): if not self.mutable: raise TypeError("immutable {0} does not support assignment." .format(type(self).__name__)) if isinstance(value, tuple): value, comment = value self.comments[key.upper()] = comment super().__setitem__(key.upper(), value) @property def nbytes(self): """Size of the header in bytes.""" return self['HDR_SIZE'] @property def payload_nbytes(self): """Size of the payload in bytes.""" return self['FILE_SIZE'] @payload_nbytes.setter def payload_nbytes(self, payload_nbytes): self['FILE_SIZE'] = payload_nbytes @property def frame_nbytes(self): """Size of the frame in bytes.""" return self.nbytes + self.payload_nbytes @frame_nbytes.setter def frame_nbytes(self, frame_nbytes): self.payload_nbytes = frame_nbytes - self.nbytes @property def bps(self): """Bits per elementary sample.""" return self['NBIT'] @bps.setter def bps(self, bps): self['NBIT'] = bps @property def complex_data(self): """Whether the data are complex.""" return self['NDIM'] == 2 @complex_data.setter def complex_data(self, complex_data): self['NDIM'] = 2 if complex_data else 1 @property def sample_shape(self): """Shape of a sample in the payload (npol, nchan).""" return self['NPOL'], self['NCHAN'] @sample_shape.setter def sample_shape(self, sample_shape): self['NPOL'], self['NCHAN'] = sample_shape @property def sample_rate(self): """Number of complete samples per second. Can be set with a negative quantity to set `sideband`. """ return (1. / self['TSAMP']) * u.MHz @sample_rate.setter def sample_rate(self, sample_rate): sample_rate = sample_rate.to_value(u.MHz) self['TSAMP'] = 1. / abs(sample_rate) bw = sample_rate * self['NCHAN'] / (1 if self.complex_data else 2) self['BW'] = (-1 if self.get('BW', bw) < 0 else 1) * bw @property def sideband(self): """True if upper sideband.""" return self['BW'] > 0 @sideband.setter def sideband(self, sideband): self['BW'] = (1 if sideband else -1) * abs(self['BW']) @property def samples_per_frame(self): """Number of complete samples in the frame.""" return (self.payload_nbytes * 8 // (self.bps * (2 if self.complex_data else 1)) // self['NPOL'] // self['NCHAN']) @samples_per_frame.setter def samples_per_frame(self, samples_per_frame): old_payload_nbytes = self.payload_nbytes self.payload_nbytes = int( (samples_per_frame * self['NCHAN'] * self['NPOL'] * self.bps * (2 if self.complex_data else 1) + 7) // 8) if self.samples_per_frame != samples_per_frame: exc = ValueError("header cannot store {} samples per frame. " "Nearest is {}.".format(samples_per_frame, self.samples_per_frame)) self.payload_nbytes = old_payload_nbytes raise exc @property def offset(self): """Offset from start of observation in units of time.""" return ((self['OBS_OFFSET'] * 8 // (self['NBIT'] * self['NDIM'] * self['NPOL'] * self['NCHAN'])) * self['TSAMP'] * @offset.setter def offset(self, offset): self['OBS_OFFSET'] = (int((offset / (self['TSAMP'] * .to( * ((self['NBIT'] * self['NDIM'] * self['NPOL'] * self['NCHAN'] + 7) // 8)) @property def start_time(self): """Start time of the observation.""" mjd_int, frac = self['MJD_START'].split('.') mjd_int = int(mjd_int) frac = float('.' + frac) # replace '-' between date and time with a 'T' and convert to Time return Time(mjd_int, frac, scale='utc', format='mjd') @start_time.setter def start_time(self, start_time): start_time = Time(start_time, scale='utc', format='isot', precision=9) self['UTC_START'] = (start_time.isot.replace('T', '-') .replace('.000000000', '')) mjd_int = int(start_time.mjd) mjd_frac = (start_time - Time(mjd_int, format='mjd', scale=start_time.scale)).jd if mjd_frac < 0: mjd_int -= 1 mjd_frac += 1. self['MJD_START'] = ('{0:05d}'.format(mjd_int) + ('{0:17.15f}'.format(mjd_frac))[1:]) @property def time(self): """Start time of the part of the observation covered by this header.""" return self.start_time + self.offset @time.setter def time(self, time): """Set header time. If ``start_time`` is not already set, this sets it using the time and ``offset``. Otherwise, this sets ``offset`` using the time and ``start_time``. Parameters ---------- time : `~astropy.time.Time` Time for the first sample associated with this header. """ if 'MJD_START' not in self.keys(): self.start_time = time - self.offset else: self.offset = time - self.start_time def _ipython_key_completions_(self): # Enables tab-completion of header keys in IPython. return self.keys() def __eq__(self, other): """Whether headers have the same keys with the same values.""" # We do a float conversion for MJD_START, since headers often give # more digits than can really be stored. return (all(self.get(k, None) == other.get(k, None) for k in (set(self.keys()) | set(other.keys())) if not k.startswith('_') and k != 'MJD_START') and (float(self.get('MJD_START', 0.)) == float(other.get('MJD_START', 0.)))) def __repr__(self): return('{0}("""'.format(self.__class__.__name__) + '\n'.join(self._tolines()) + '""")')