Source code for baseband.base.header

# Licensed under the GPLv3 - see LICENSE
Base definitions for baseband Headers, in particular for the VLBI types.

Defines a number of helpers to construct a Header class that hold header
words corresponding to a frame header, and provides access to the values
encoded in those words via a dict-like interface.  Definitions for headers
are constructed using a HeaderParser class (which is targeted specifically
at the VLBI formats).
import sys
import struct
import warnings
import functools
from copy import copy

import numpy as np
from astropy.utils import sharedmethod

from .utils import fixedvalue

__all__ = ['four_word_struct', 'eight_word_struct',
           'make_parser', 'make_setter', 'get_default',
           'ParserDict', 'HeaderParserBase', 'HeaderParser',
           'ParsedHeaderBase', 'VLBIHeaderBase']

four_word_struct = struct.Struct('<4I')
"""Struct instance that packs/unpacks 4 unsigned 32-bit integers."""
eight_word_struct = struct.Struct('<8I')
"""Struct instance that packs/unpacks 8 unsigned 32-bit integers."""

[docs]def make_parser(word_index, bit_index, bit_length, default=None): """Construct a function that converts specific bits from a header. The function acts on a tuple/array of 32-bit words, extracting given bits from a specific word and convert them to bool (for single bit) or integer. The parameters are those that define header keywords, and all parsers do ``(words[word_index] >> bit_index) & ((1 << bit_length) - 1)``, except that that they have been optimized for the specific cases of single bits, full words, and items starting at bit 0. As a special case, bit_length=64 allows one to extract two words as a single (long) integer. Parameters ---------- word_index : int Index into the tuple of words passed to the function. bit_index : int Index to the starting bit of the part to be extracted. bit_length : int Number of bits to be extracted. Returns ------- parser : function To be used as ``parser(words)``. """ if bit_length == 1: def parser(words): return (words[word_index] & (1 << bit_index)) != 0 elif bit_length == 32: assert bit_index == 0 def parser(words): return words[word_index] elif bit_length == 64: assert bit_index == 0 def parser(words): return words[word_index] + (words[word_index + 1] << 32) else: bit_mask = (1 << bit_length) - 1 # e.g., bit_length=8 -> 0xff if bit_index == 0: def parser(words): return words[word_index] & bit_mask else: def parser(words): return (words[word_index] >> bit_index) & bit_mask return parser
[docs]def make_setter(word_index, bit_index, bit_length, default=None): """Construct a function that uses a value to set specific bits in a header. The function will act on a tuple/array of words, setting given bits from a given word using a value. The parameters are just those that define header keywords. Parameters ---------- word_index : int Index into the tuple of words passed to the function. bit_index : int Index to the starting bit of the part to be extracted. bit_length : int Number of bits to be extracted. default : int or bool or None Possible default value to use in function if no default is passed on. Returns ------- setter : function To be used as ``setter(words, value)``. """ def setter(words, value): bit_mask = (1 << bit_length) - 1 if value is None: if default is None: raise ValueError("no default value so cannot set to 'None'.") value = default elif value is True: value = bit_mask elif np.any(value & bit_mask != value): raise ValueError("{0} cannot be represented with {1} bits" .format(value, bit_length)) if bit_length == 64: word1 = value & (1 << 32) - 1 word2 = value >> 32 words[word_index] = word1 words[word_index + 1] = word2 else: word = words[word_index] # Zero the part to be set, and add the value. bit_mask <<= bit_index word = ((word | bit_mask) ^ bit_mask) | (value << bit_index) words[word_index] = word return words return setter
[docs]def get_default(word_index, bit_index, bit_length, default=None): """Return the default value from a header keyword. Since it is called with the full description, it just returns the last item, defaulted to `None`. """ return default
[docs]class ParserDict: """Create a lazily evaluated dictionary of parsers, setters, or defaults. Implemented as a non-data descriptor. When first called on an instance, it will create a dict under the name of itself in the instance's ``__dict__``, which means that any further attribute access will return that dict instead of this descriptor. Parameters ---------- function : callable Function that can be used to create a parser or setter, or get the default, based on a header keyword description. Typically one of ``make_parser``, ``make_setter``, or ``get_default``. """ def __init__(self, function): self.function = function def __set_name__(self, owner, name): = name self.__doc__ = f"Lazily evaluated dict of {name}" def __get__(self, instance, cls=None): if instance is None: return self # Create dict of functions/defaults. d = {key: self.function(*definition) for key, definition in instance.items()} # Override ourselves on the instance. setattr(instance,, d) return d def __repr__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}({self.function}"
[docs]class HeaderParserBase(dict): """Parser & setter for header keywords. A dictionary of header keywords, with values that describe how they are encoded in a given header. Initialisation is as a normal dict, with (ordered) key, value pairs, with each value a tuple containing information that describes how the value is encoded, and any default. The actual implementation is done by instances of `~baseband.base.header.ParserDict` called ``parsers``, ``setters``, and ``defaults``, which return functions that get a given keyword from header words, set the corresponding part of the header words to a value, or return the default value (if defined). To speed up access to those, they are precalculated on first access rather than calculated on the fly. """
[docs] def copy(self): return self.__class__(self)
def __or__(self, other): if not isinstance(other, type(self)): return NotImplemented if sys.version_info >= (3, 9): # pragma: no cover return self.__class__(super().__or__(other)) result = self.__class__(self) result.update(other) return result # Backwards compatibility for code written for baseband < 4.0. __add__ = __or__ def _clear_caches(self): """Clear the caches of the parser dicts. To be done on any change.""" for key in set(self.__dict__): if isinstance(self.__class__.__dict__[key], ParserDict): del self.__dict__[key]
# Overwrite all dict methods that change the contents to clear the # cache of the parsers and setters. def make_wrapped_method(method): @functools.wraps(getattr(dict, method)) def wrapped(self, *args, **kwargs): result = getattr(super(HeaderParserBase, self), method)(*args, **kwargs) self._clear_caches() return result return wrapped for method in ('__setitem__', 'update', 'pop', 'popitem', 'clear'): setattr(HeaderParserBase, method, make_wrapped_method(method))
[docs]class HeaderParser(HeaderParserBase): """Parser & setter for VLBI header keywords. A dictionary of header keywords, with values that describe how they are encoded in a given VLBI header. Initialisation is as a normal dict, with (ordered) key, value pairs, with each value a tuple containing: word_index : int Index into the header words for this key. bit_index : int Index to the starting bit of the part used for this key. bit_length : int Number of bits. default : int or bool or None Possible default value to use in initialisation (e.g., a sync pattern). The class provides dict-like properties ``parsers``, ``setters``, and ``defaults``, which return functions that get a given keyword from header words, set the corresponding part of the header words to a value, or return the default value (if defined). To speed up access to those, they are precalculated on first access rather than calculated on the fly. """ parsers = ParserDict(make_parser) setters = ParserDict(make_setter) defaults = ParserDict(get_default)
[docs]class ParsedHeaderBase: """Base class for all baseband headers using parsers. Defines a number of common routines. Generally, the actual class should define: _header_parser : HeaderParser instance corresponding to this class. _properties : tuple of properties accessible/usable in initialisation It also should define properties that tell the size (getters *and* setters, or use a `baseband.base.utils.fixedvalue` if the value is the same for all instances): payload_nbytes : number of bytes used by payload frame_nbytes : total number of bytes for header + payload get_time, set_time, and a corresponding time property : time at start of payload Parameters ---------- words : tuple or list Header words. If given as a tuple, the header is immutable. verify : bool, optional Whether to do basic verification of integrity. """ _properties = ('payload_nbytes', 'frame_nbytes', 'time') """Properties accessible/usable in initialisation for all headers.""" def __init__(self, words, verify=True): self.words = words if verify: self.verify()
[docs] def verify(self): """Base verification always passes. Only here for subclasses to be able to do super(). """ pass # pragma: no cover
[docs] def copy(self, **kwargs): """Create a mutable and independent copy of the header. Keyword arguments can be passed on as needed by possible subclasses. """ kwargs.setdefault('verify', False) new = self.__class__(copy(self.words), **kwargs) new.mutable = True return new
def __copy__(self): return self.copy() @property def mutable(self): """Whether the header can be modified.""" if isinstance(self.words, tuple): return False word0 = self.words[0] try: self.words[0] = 0 except Exception: return False else: self.words[0] = word0 return True @mutable.setter def mutable(self, mutable): if isinstance(self.words, np.ndarray): self.words.flags['WRITEABLE'] = mutable elif isinstance(self.words, tuple): if mutable: self.words = list(self.words) elif isinstance(self.words, list): if not mutable: self.words = tuple(self.words) else: raise TypeError("do not know how to set mutability of '.words' " "of class {0}".format(type(self.words)))
[docs] @classmethod def fromvalues(cls, *args, **kwargs): """Initialise a header from parsed values. Here, the parsed values must be given as keyword arguments, i.e., for any ``header = cls(<words>)``, ``cls.fromvalues(**header) == header``. However, unlike for the `fromkeys` class method, data can also be set using arguments named after header methods, such as ``time``. Parameters ---------- *args Possible arguments required to initialize an empty header. **kwargs Values used to initialize header keys or methods. """ # Initialize an empty header, and update it with the keyword arguments. self = cls(None, *args, verify=False) # Set defaults in keyword arguments. for key in set(self.keys()).difference(kwargs.keys()): default = self._header_parser.defaults[key] if default is not None: kwargs[key] = default self.update(**kwargs) return self
[docs] @classmethod def fromkeys(cls, *args, **kwargs): """Initialise a header from parsed values. Like fromvalues, but without any interpretation of keywords. Raises ------ KeyError : if not all keys required are present in ``kwargs`` """ self = cls(None, *args, verify=False) not_in_both = (set(self.keys()).symmetric_difference(kwargs) - {'verify'}) if not_in_both: not_in_kwarg = set(self.keys()).difference(kwargs) not_in_self = set(kwargs).difference(self.keys()) - {'verify'} msg_parts = [] for item, msg in ((not_in_kwarg, "is missing keywords ({0})"), (not_in_self, "contains extra keywords ({0})")): if item: msg_parts.append(msg.format(item)) raise KeyError("input list " + " and ".join(msg_parts)) self.update(**kwargs) return self
[docs] def update(self, *, verify=True, **kwargs): """Update the header by setting keywords or properties. Here, any keywords matching header keys are applied first, and any remaining ones are used to set header properties, in the order set by the class (in ``_properties``). Parameters ---------- verify : bool, optional If `True` (default), verify integrity after updating. **kwargs Arguments used to set keywords and properties. """ # First use keywords which are also keys into self. for key in set(kwargs.keys()).intersection(self.keys()): self[key] = kwargs.pop(key) # Next, use remaining keyword arguments to set properties. # Order is important, so we cannot use an intersection as above. if kwargs: for key in self._properties: if key in kwargs: setattr(self, key, kwargs.pop(key)) if kwargs: warnings.warn("some keywords unused in header update: {0}" .format(kwargs)) if verify: self.verify()
def __getitem__(self, item): """Get the value of a particular header item from the header words.""" try: return self._header_parser.parsers[item](self.words) except KeyError: raise KeyError("{0} header does not contain {1}" .format(self.__class__.__name__, item)) def __setitem__(self, item, value): """Set the value of a particular header item in the header words. If value is `None`, set the item to its default value (if it exists); if `True`, set all bits in the item (i.e., set item to its maximum). """ try: self._header_parser.setters[item](self.words, value) except KeyError: raise KeyError("{0} header does not contain {1}" .format(self.__class__.__name__, item)) except(TypeError, ValueError): if not self.mutable: raise TypeError("header is immutable. Set '.mutable` attribute" " or make a copy.") else: raise
[docs] def keys(self): """All keys defined for this header.""" return self._header_parser.keys()
def _ipython_key_completions_(self): # Enables tab-completion of header keys in IPython. return self.keys() def __contains__(self, key): return key in self.keys() def __eq__(self, other): return (type(self) is type(other) and np.all(np.array(self.words, copy=False) == np.array(other.words, copy=False))) def _repr_value(self, key, value): return str(value) def __repr__(self): name = self.__class__.__name__ outs = [f"{k}: {self._repr_value(k, self[k])}" for k in self.keys()] return "<{} {}>".format(name, (",\n " + " "*len(name)).join(outs))
[docs]class VLBIHeaderBase(ParsedHeaderBase): """Base class for all VLBI headers. Defines a number of common routines. Generally, the actual class should define: _struct : `~struct.Struct` instance that can pack/unpack header words. _header_parser : `HeaderParser` instance corresponding to this class. _properties : tuple of properties accessible/usable in initialisation _invariants : set of keys of invariant header parts for a given type. _stream_invarants : set of keys of invariant header parts for a stream. It also should define properties that tell the size (getters *and* setters, or use a `baseband.base.utils.fixedvalue` if the value is the same for all instances): payload_nbytes : number of bytes used by payload frame_nbytes : total number of bytes for header + payload get_time, set_time, and a corresponding time property : time at start of payload Parameters ---------- words : tuple or list of int, or None header words (generally, 32 bit unsigned int). If given as a tuple, the header is immutable. If `None`, set to a list of zeros for later initialisation (and skip any verification). verify : bool, optional Whether to do basic verification of integrity. For the base class, checks that the number of words is consistent with the struct size. """ # TODO: should [_stream]_invarants be defined through some subclass init?? # TODO: perhaps from some hints in the headerparser definition? # Define a bare _struct to avoid sphinx complaints about nbytes. _struct = struct.Struct('') """Structure for the header words. To be overridden by subclasses.""" def __init__(self, words, verify=True): if words is None: words = [0] * (self._struct.size // 4) verify = False super().__init__(words, verify=verify)
[docs] def verify(self): """Verify that the length of the words is consistent. Subclasses should override this to do more thorough checks. """ assert len(self.words) == (self._struct.size // 4)
[docs] @sharedmethod def invariants(self): """Set of keys of invariant header parts. On the class, this returns keys of parts that are shared by all headers for the type, on an instance, those that are shared with other headers in the same file. If neither are defined, returns 'sync_pattern' if the header containts that key. """ if not isinstance(self, type) and hasattr(self, '_stream_invariants'): return self._stream_invariants elif hasattr(self, '_invariants'): return self._invariants elif 'sync_pattern' in getattr(self, '_header_parser', {}): return {'sync_pattern'} else: return set()
[docs] @sharedmethod def invariant_pattern(self, invariants=None, **kwargs): """Pattern and mask shared between headers of a type or stream. This is mostly for use inside :meth:`~baseband.base.base.VLBIFileReaderBase.locate_frames`. Parameters ---------- invariants : set of str, optional Set of keys to header parts that are shared between all headers of a given type or within a given stream/file. Default: from `~baseband.base.header.VLBIHeaderBase.invariants()`. **kwargs Keyword arguments needed to instantiate an empty header. (Mostly for Mark 4). Returns ------- pattern : list of int The pattern that is shared between headers. If called on an instance, just the header words; if called on a class, words with defaults for the relevant parts set. mask : list of int For each entry in ``pattern`` a bit mask with bits set for the parts that are invariant. """ if invariants is None: invariants = self.invariants() if not invariants: raise ValueError("cannot create an invariant_mask without " "some invariants") if isinstance(self, type): # If we are called as a classmethod, first get an instance # with all defaults set. This will be our pattern. self = self(None, **kwargs) for invariant in invariants: value = self._header_parser.defaults[invariant] if value is None: raise ValueError('can only set as invariant a header ' 'part that has a default.') self[invariant] = value # Create an all-zero version and set bits for all invariants. mask = self.__class__(None, **kwargs) for invariant in invariants: mask[invariant] = True return self.words, mask.words
@fixedvalue def nbytes(cls): """Size of the header in bytes.""" return cls._struct.size
[docs] @classmethod def fromfile(cls, fh, *args, **kwargs): """Read VLBI Header from file. Arguments are the same as for class initialisation. The header constructed will be immutable. """ s = if len(s) != cls._struct.size: raise EOFError return cls(cls._struct.unpack(s), *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def tofile(self, fh): """Write VLBI frame header to filehandle.""" return fh.write(self._struct.pack(*self.words))
def _repr_value(self, key, value): if key.startswith(('bcd', 'crc', 'sync_pattern')): try: value = hex(value) except Exception: pass return super()._repr_value(key, value)