Source code for baseband.guppi.base

# Licensed under the GPLv3 - see LICENSE
import re

import astropy.units as u
from astropy.utils import lazyproperty

from ..helpers import sequentialfile as sf
from ..vlbi_base.base import (make_opener, VLBIFileBase, VLBIFileReaderBase,
                              VLBIStreamBase, VLBIStreamReaderBase,
from .header import GUPPIHeader
from .payload import GUPPIPayload
from .frame import GUPPIFrame
from .file_info import GUPPIFileReaderInfo

__all__ = ['GUPPIFileNameSequencer', 'GUPPIFileReader', 'GUPPIFileWriter',
           'GUPPIStreamBase', 'GUPPIStreamReader', 'GUPPIStreamWriter', 'open']

[docs]class GUPPIFileNameSequencer(sf.FileNameSequencer): """List-like generator of GUPPI filenames using a template. The template is formatted, filling in any items in curly brackets with values from the header, as well as possibly a file number equal to the indexing value, indicated with '{file_nr}'. The length of the instance will be the number of files that exist that match the template for increasing values of the file number (when writing, it is the number of files that have so far been generated). Parameters ---------- template : str Template to format to get specific filenames. Curly bracket item keywords are not case-sensitive. header : dict-like Structure holding key'd values that are used to fill in the format. Keys must be in all caps (eg. ``DATE``), as with GUPPI header keys. Examples -------- >>> from baseband import guppi >>> gfs = guppi.base.GUPPIFileNameSequencer( ... '{date}_{file_nr:03d}.raw', {'DATE': "2018-01-01"}) >>> gfs[10] '2018-01-01_010.raw' >>> from import SAMPLE_PUPPI >>> with open(SAMPLE_PUPPI, 'rb') as fh: ... header = guppi.GUPPIHeader.fromfile(fh) >>> template = 'puppi_{stt_imjd}_{src_name}_{scannum}.{file_nr:04d}.raw' >>> gfs = guppi.base.GUPPIFileNameSequencer(template, header) >>> gfs[0] 'puppi_58132_J1810+1744_2176.0000.raw' >>> gfs[10] 'puppi_58132_J1810+1744_2176.0010.raw' """ def __init__(self, template, header={}): self.items = {} def check_and_convert(x): string = key = string[1:-1] if key != 'FILE_NR': self.items[key] = header[key] return string # This converts template names to upper case, since header keywords are # all upper case. self.template = re.sub(r'{\w+[}:]', check_and_convert, template) def _process_items(self, file_nr): super()._process_items(file_nr) # Pop file_nr, as we need to capitalize it. self.items['FILE_NR'] = self.items.pop('file_nr')
[docs]class GUPPIFileReader(VLBIFileReaderBase): """Simple reader for GUPPI files. Wraps a binary filehandle, providing methods to help interpret the data, such as `read_frame` and `get_frame_rate`. By default, frame payloads are mapped rather than fully read into physical memory. Parameters ---------- fh_raw : filehandle Filehandle of the raw binary data file. """ info = GUPPIFileReaderInfo()
[docs] def read_header(self): """Read a single header from the file. Returns ------- header : `~baseband.guppi.GUPPIHeader` """ return GUPPIHeader.fromfile(self.fh_raw)
[docs] def read_frame(self, memmap=True, verify=True): """Read the frame header and read or map the corresponding payload. Parameters ---------- memmap : bool, optional If `True` (default), map the payload using `~numpy.memmap`, so that parts are only loaded into memory as needed to access data. verify : bool, optional Whether to do basic checks of frame integrity. Default: `True`. Returns ------- frame : `~baseband.guppi.GUPPIFrame` With ``.header`` and ``.payload`` properties. The ``.data`` property returns all data encoded in the frame. Since this may be too large to fit in memory, it may be better to access the parts of interest by slicing the frame. """ return GUPPIFrame.fromfile(self.fh_raw, memmap=memmap, verify=verify)
[docs] def get_frame_rate(self): """Determine the number of frames per second. The routine uses the sample rate and number of samples per frame (excluding overlap) from the first header in the file. Returns ------- frame_rate : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Frames per second. """ with self.temporary_offset(0): header = self.read_header() return (header.sample_rate / (header.samples_per_frame - header.overlap)).to(u.Hz)
[docs]class GUPPIFileWriter(VLBIFileBase): """Simple writer/mapper for GUPPI files. Adds `write_frame` and `memmap_frame` methods to the VLBI binary file wrapper. The latter allows one to encode data in pieces, writing to disk as needed. """
[docs] def write_frame(self, data, header=None, **kwargs): """Write a single frame (header plus payload). Parameters ---------- data : `~numpy.ndarray` or `~baseband.guppi.GUPPIFrame` If an array, a ``header`` should be given, which will be used to get the information needed to encode the array, and to construct the GUPPI frame. header : `~baseband.guppi.GUPPIHeader` Can instead give keyword arguments to construct a header. Ignored if ``data`` is a `~baseband.guppi.GUPPIFrame` instance. **kwargs If ``header`` is not given, these are used to initialize one. """ if not isinstance(data, GUPPIFrame): data = GUPPIFrame.fromdata(data, header, **kwargs) return data.tofile(self.fh_raw)
[docs] def memmap_frame(self, header=None, **kwargs): """Get frame by writing the header to disk and mapping its payload. The header is written to disk immediately, but the payload is mapped, so that it can be filled in pieces, by setting slices of the frame. Parameters ---------- header : `~baseband.guppi.GUPPIHeader` Written to disk immediately. Can instead give keyword arguments to construct a header. **kwargs If ``header`` is not given, these are used to initialize one. Returns ------- frame: `~baseband.guppi.GUPPIFrame` By assigning slices to data, the payload can be encoded piecewise. """ if header is None: header = GUPPIHeader.fromvalues(**kwargs) header.tofile(self.fh_raw) payload = GUPPIPayload.fromfile(self.fh_raw, memmap=True, header=header) return GUPPIFrame(header, payload)
[docs]class GUPPIStreamBase(VLBIStreamBase): """Base for GUPPI streams.""" _sample_shape_maker = GUPPIPayload._sample_shape_maker def __init__(self, fh_raw, header0, squeeze=True, subset=(), verify=True): # GUPPI headers report their offsets using 'PKTIDX', the number of # unique UDP data packets (i.e. excluding overlap) written since the # start of observation. 'PKTSIZE' is the packet size in bytes. Here # we calculate the packets per frame. self._packets_per_frame = ( (header0.payload_nbytes - header0.overlap * header0._bpcs // 8) // header0['PKTSIZE']) # Set samples per frame to unique ones, excluding overlap. samples_per_frame = header0.samples_per_frame - header0.overlap super().__init__( fh_raw=fh_raw, header0=header0, sample_rate=header0.sample_rate, samples_per_frame=samples_per_frame, unsliced_shape=header0.sample_shape, bps=header0.bps, complex_data=header0.complex_data, squeeze=squeeze, subset=subset, fill_value=0., verify=verify) # Overriding so the docstring indicates the exclusion of the overlap. samples_per_frame = property(VLBIStreamBase.samples_per_frame.fget, VLBIStreamBase.samples_per_frame.fset, doc=("Number of complete samples per frame, " "excluding overlap.")) def _get_index(self, header): # Override to avoid calculating index from time. return int(round((header['PKTIDX'] - self.header0['PKTIDX']) / self._packets_per_frame)) def _set_index(self, header, index): header.update(pktidx=self.header0['PKTIDX'] + index * self._packets_per_frame)
[docs]class GUPPIStreamReader(GUPPIStreamBase, VLBIStreamReaderBase): """GUPPI format reader. Allows access to GUPPI files as a continuous series of samples. Parameters ---------- fh_raw : filehandle Filehandle of the raw GUPPI stream. squeeze : bool, optional If `True` (default), remove any dimensions of length unity from decoded data. subset : indexing object or tuple of objects, optional Specific components of the complete sample to decode (after possibly squeezing). If a single indexing object is passed, it selects polarizations. With a tuple, the first selects polarizations and the second selects channels. If the tuple is empty (default), all components are read. verify : bool, optional Whether to do basic checks of frame integrity when reading. The first frame of the stream is always checked, so ``verify`` is effective only when reading sequences of files. Default: `True`. """ def __init__(self, fh_raw, squeeze=True, subset=(), verify=True): fh_raw = GUPPIFileReader(fh_raw) header0 = GUPPIHeader.fromfile(fh_raw) super().__init__(fh_raw, header0, squeeze=squeeze, subset=subset, verify=verify) @lazyproperty def _last_header(self): """Header of the last file for this stream.""" # Seek forward rather than backward, as last frame often has missing # bytes. with self.fh_raw.temporary_offset() as fh_raw: file_size =, 2) nframes, fframe = divmod(file_size, self.header0.frame_nbytes) - 1) * self.header0.frame_nbytes) return fh_raw.read_header()
[docs]class GUPPIStreamWriter(GUPPIStreamBase, VLBIStreamWriterBase): """GUPPI format writer. Encodes and writes sequences of samples to file. Parameters ---------- raw : filehandle For writing the header and raw data to storage. header0 : :class:`~baseband.guppi.GUPPIHeader` Header for the first frame, holding time information, etc. squeeze : bool, optional If `True` (default), `write` accepts squeezed arrays as input, and adds any dimensions of length unity. """ def __init__(self, fh_raw, header0, squeeze=True): assert header0.get('OVERLAP', 0) == 0, ("overlap must be 0 when " "writing GUPPI files.") fh_raw = GUPPIFileWriter(fh_raw) super().__init__(fh_raw, header0, squeeze=squeeze) def _make_frame(self, index): header = self.header0.copy() self._set_index(header, index) return self.fh_raw.memmap_frame(header) def _fh_raw_write_frame(self, frame): assert frame is self._frame del self._frame
opener = make_opener('GUPPI', globals(), doc=""" --- For reading a stream : (see `~baseband.guppi.base.GUPPIStreamReader`) squeeze : bool, optional If `True` (default), remove any dimensions of length unity from decoded data. subset : indexing object or tuple of objects, optional Specific components of the complete sample to decode (after possibly squeezing). If a single indexing object is passed, it selects polarizations. With a tuple, the first selects polarizations and the second selects channels. If the tuple is empty (default), all components are read. --- For writing a stream : (see `~baseband.guppi.base.GUPPIStreamWriter`) header0 : `~baseband.guppi.GUPPIHeader` Header for the first frame, holding time information, etc. Can instead give keyword arguments to construct a header (see ``**kwargs``). squeeze : bool, optional If `True` (default), writer accepts squeezed arrays as input, and adds any dimensions of length unity. frames_per_file : int, optional When writing to a sequence of files, sets the number of frames within each file. Default: 128. **kwargs If the header is not given, an attempt will be made to construct one with any further keyword arguments. --- Header keywords : (see :meth:`~baseband.guppi.GUPPIHeader.fromvalues`) time : `~astropy.time.Time` Start time of the file. Must have an integer number of seconds. sample_rate : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Number of complete samples per second, i.e. the rate at which each channel of each polarization is sampled. samples_per_frame : int Number of complete samples per frame. Can alternatively give ``payload_nbytes``. payload_nbytes : int Number of bytes per payload. Can alternatively give ``samples_per_frame``. offset : `~astropy.units.Quantity` or `~astropy.time.TimeDelta`, optional Time offset from the start of the whole observation (default: 0). npol : int, optional Number of polarizations (default: 1). nchan : int, optional Number of channels (default: 1). For GUPPI, complex data is only allowed when nchan > 1. bps : int, optional Bits per elementary sample, i.e. per real or imaginary component for complex data (default: 8). Returns ------- Filehandle :class:`~baseband.guppi.base.GUPPIFileReader` or :class:`~baseband.guppi.base.GUPPIFileWriter` (binary), or :class:`~baseband.guppi.base.GUPPIStreamReader` or :class:`~baseband.guppi.base.GUPPIStreamWriter` (stream). Notes ----- For streams, one can also pass to ``name`` a list of files, or a template string that can be formatted using 'stt_imjd', 'src_name', and other header keywords (by `~baseband.guppi.base.GUPPIFileNameSequencer`). For writing, one can mimic, for example, what is done at Arecibo by using the template 'puppi_{stt_imjd}_{src_name}_{scannum}.{file_nr:04d}.raw'. GUPPI typically has 128 frames per file; to change this, use the ``frames_per_file`` keyword. ``file_size`` is set by ``frames_per_file`` and cannot be passed. For reading, to read series such as the above, you will need to use something like 'puppi_58132_J1810+1744_2176.{file_nr:04d}.raw'. Here we have to pass in the MJD, source name and scan number explicitly, since the template is used to get the first file name, before any header is read, and therefore the only keyword available is 'file_nr', which is assumed to be zero for the first file. To avoid this restriction, pass in keyword arguments with values appropriate for the first file. One may also pass in a `~baseband.helpers.sequentialfile` object (opened in 'rb' mode for reading or 'w+b' for writing), though for typical use cases it is practically identical to passing in a list or template. """) # Need to wrap the opener to be able to deal with file lists or templates.
[docs]def open(name, mode='rs', **kwargs): # Extract needed kwargs (and keep some from being passed to opener). header0 = kwargs.get('header0', None) frames_per_file = kwargs.pop('frames_per_file', 128) # Check if ``name`` is a template or sequence. is_template = isinstance(name, str) and ('{' in name and '}' in name) is_sequence = isinstance(name, (tuple, list, sf.FileNameSequencer)) # For stream writing, header0 is needed; for reading, it is needed for # initializing a template only. if 'b' not in mode: # Initialize header0 if it doesn't yet exist. if header0 is None: if 'w' in mode: # Store squeeze. passed_kwargs = ({'squeeze': kwargs.pop('squeeze')} if 'squeeze' in kwargs.keys() else {}) # Make header0. header0 = GUPPIHeader.fromvalues(**kwargs) # Pass squeeze and header0 on to stream writer. kwargs = passed_kwargs kwargs['header0'] = header0 elif is_template: # Store parameters to pass. passed_kwargs = {key: kwargs.pop(key) for key in ('squeeze', 'subset', 'verify') if key in kwargs} header0 = {key.upper(): value for key, value in kwargs.items()} kwargs = passed_kwargs if is_template: name = GUPPIFileNameSequencer(name, header0) # If writing with a template or sequence, pass ``file_size``. if 'w' in mode and (is_template or is_sequence): if 'b' in mode: raise ValueError("does not support opening a file sequence in " "'wb' mode. Try passing in a SequentialFile " "object instead.") kwargs['file_size'] = frames_per_file * header0.frame_nbytes return opener(name, mode, **kwargs)
open.__doc__ = opener.__doc__