Source code for baseband.vdif.base

# Licensed under the GPLv3 - see LICENSE
from __future__ import division, unicode_literals, print_function

from collections import namedtuple
import numpy as np
from astropy.utils import lazyproperty
import astropy.units as u

from ..vlbi_base.base import (make_opener, VLBIFileBase, VLBIFileReaderBase,
                              VLBIStreamBase, VLBIStreamReaderBase,
from .header import VDIFHeader
from .frame import VDIFFrame, VDIFFrameSet
from .file_info import VDIFFileReaderInfo

__all__ = ['VDIFFileReader', 'VDIFFileWriter', 'VDIFStreamBase',
           'VDIFStreamReader', 'VDIFStreamWriter', 'open']

# Check code on 2015-MAY-30
# 00000000  77 2c db 00 00 00 00 1c  75 02 00 20 fc ff 01 04  # header 0 - 3
# 00000010  10 00 80 03 ed fe ab ac  00 00 40 33 83 15 03 f2  # header 4 - 7
# 00000020  2a 0a 7c 43 8b 69 9d 59  cb 99 6d 9a 99 96 5d 67  # data 0 - 3
# NOTE: thread_id = 1
# 2a = 00 10 10 10 = (lsb first) 1,  1,  1, -3
# 0a = 00 00 10 10 =             1,  1, -3, -3
# 7c = 01 11 11 00 =            -3,  3,  3, -1
# m5d evn/Fd/GP052D_FD_No0006.m5a VDIF_5000-512-1-2 100
# Mark5 stream: 0x16cd140
#   stream = File-1/1=evn/Fd/GP052D_FD_No0006.m5a
#   format = VDIF_5000-512-1-2 = 3
#   start mjd/sec = 56824 21367.000000000
#   frame duration = 78125.00 ns
#   framenum = 0
#   sample rate = 256000000 Hz
#   offset = 0
#   framebytes = 5032 bytes
#   datasize = 5000 bytes
#   sample granularity = 4
#   frame granularity = 1
#   gframens = 78125
#   payload offset = 32
#   read position = 0
#   data window size = 1048576 bytes
#  1  1  1 -3  1  1 -3 -3 -3  3  3 -1  -> OK
# fh ='evn/Fd/GP052D_FD_No0006.m5a', 'rb')
# fs = fh.read_frameset()
#[1, :12, 0]  # thread id = 1!!
# -> array([ 1,  1,  1, -3,  1,  1, -3, -3, -3,  3,  3, -1])  -> OK
# Also, next frame (thread #3)
# m5d evn/Fd/GP052D_FD_No0006.m5a VDIF_5000-512-1-2 12 5032
# -1  1 -1  1 -3 -1  3 -1  3 -3  1  3
#[3, :12, 0]
# -> array([-1,  1, -1,  1, -3, -1,  3, -1,  3, -3,  1,  3])
# And first thread #0
# m5d evn/Fd/GP052D_FD_No0006.m5a VDIF_5000-512-1-2 12 20128
# -1 -1  3 -1  1 -1  3 -1  1  3 -1  1
#[0, :12, 0]
# -> array([-1, -1,  3, -1,  1, -1,  3, -1,  1,  3, -1,  1])
# sanity check that we can read 12 samples with stream reader
# fh.close()
# fh ='evn/Fd/GP052D_FD_No0006.m5a', 'rs')
#[:, 0]
# -> array([-1, -1,  3, -1,  1, -1,  3, -1,  1,  3, -1,  1])

[docs]class VDIFFileReader(VLBIFileReaderBase): """Simple reader for VDIF files. Wraps a binary filehandle, providing methods to help interpret the data, such as `read_frame`, `read_frameset` and `get_frame_rate`. Parameters ---------- fh_raw : filehandle Filehandle of the raw binary data file. """ info = VDIFFileReaderInfo()
[docs] def read_header(self): """Read a single header from the file. Returns ------- header : `~baseband.vdif.VDIFHeader` """ return VDIFHeader.fromfile(self.fh_raw)
[docs] def read_frame(self): """Read a single frame (header plus payload). Returns ------- frame : `~baseband.vdif.VDIFFrame` With ``.header`` and ``.data`` properties that return the :class:`~baseband.vdif.VDIFHeader` and data encoded in the frame, respectively. """ return VDIFFrame.fromfile(self.fh_raw)
[docs] def read_frameset(self, thread_ids=None, edv=None, verify=True): """Read a single frame (header plus payload). Parameters ---------- thread_ids : list, optional The thread ids that should be read. If `None` (default), read all threads. edv : int, optional The expected extended data version for the VDIF Header. If `None`, use that of the first frame. (Passing it in slightly improves file integrity checking.) verify : bool, optional Whether to do basic checks of frame integrity. Default: `True`. Returns ------- frameset : :class:`~baseband.vdif.VDIFFrameSet` With ``.headers`` and ``.data`` properties that return a list of :class:`~baseband.vdif.VDIFHeaders` and the data encoded in the frame set, respectively. """ return VDIFFrameSet.fromfile(self.fh_raw, thread_ids, edv=edv, verify=verify)
[docs] def get_frame_rate(self): """Determine the number of frames per second. This method first tries to determine the frame rate by looking for the highest frame number in the first second of data. If that fails, it attempts to extract the sample rate from the header. Returns ------- frame_rate : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Frames per second. """ try: return super(VDIFFileReader, self).get_frame_rate() except Exception as exc: with self.temporary_offset(): try: header = self.read_header() return np.round((header.sample_rate / header.samples_per_frame).to(u.Hz)) except Exception: pass raise exc
[docs] def find_header(self, template_header=None, frame_nbytes=None, edv=None, maximum=None, forward=True): """Find the nearest header from the current position. Search for a valid header at a given position which is consistent with ``template_header`` or with a header a frame size ahead. Note that the latter turns out to be an unexpectedly weak check on real data! If successful, the file pointer is left at the start of the header. Parameters ---------- template_header : `~baseband.vdif.VDIFHeader` If given, used to infer the frame size and EDV. frame_nbytes : int Frame size in bytes, used if ``template_header`` is not given. edv : int EDV of the header, used if ``template_header`` is not given. maximum : int, optional Maximum number of bytes forward to search through. Default: twice the frame size. forward : bool, optional Seek forward if `True` (default), backward if `False`. Returns ------- header : :class:`~baseband.vdif.VDIFHeader` or None Retrieved VDIF header, or `None` if nothing found. """ fh = self.fh_raw # Obtain current pointer position. file_pos = fh.tell() if template_header is not None: edv = template_header.edv # First check whether we are right at a frame marker (often true). try: header = VDIFHeader.fromfile(fh, edv=edv, verify=True) except(AssertionError, IOError, EOFError): pass else: if template_header.same_stream(header): return header # If we're not at frame marker, obtain frame size and get # searching. frame_nbytes = template_header.frame_nbytes if maximum is None: maximum = 2 * frame_nbytes # Determine file size. file_pos = fh.tell(), 2) nbytes = fh.tell() # Generate file pointer positions to test. if forward: iterate = range(file_pos, min(file_pos + maximum - 31, nbytes - frame_nbytes + 1)) else: iterate = range(min(file_pos, nbytes - frame_nbytes), max(file_pos - maximum, -1), -1) # Loop over chunks to try to find the frame marker. for frame in iterate: try: header = VDIFHeader.fromfile(fh, edv=edv, verify=True) except AssertionError: continue if(header.frame_nbytes != frame_nbytes or template_header and not template_header.same_stream(header)): # CPython optimizations will make this as uncovered, even # though it is. See # continue # pragma: no cover # Also check header from a frame up or down. if ((forward or frame < frame_nbytes) and frame < nbytes - frame_nbytes - 32): next_frame = frame + frame_nbytes elif frame > frame_nbytes: next_frame = frame - frame_nbytes else: # No choice, there are no other frames. return header try: comparison = VDIFHeader.fromfile(fh, edv=header.edv, verify=True) except AssertionError: continue if header.same_stream(comparison): return header # Didn't find any frame. return None
[docs]class VDIFFileWriter(VLBIFileBase): """Simple writer for VDIF files. Adds `write_frame` and `write_frameset` methods to the basic VLBI binary file wrapper. """
[docs] def write_frame(self, data, header=None, **kwargs): """Write a single frame (header plus payload). Parameters ---------- data : `~numpy.ndarray` or `~baseband.vdif.VDIFFrame` If an array, a ``header`` should be given, which will be used to get the information needed to encode the array, and to construct the VDIF frame. header : `~baseband.vdif.VDIFHeader` Can instead give keyword arguments to construct a header. Ignored if `data` is a `~baseband.vdif.VDIFFrame` instance. **kwargs If ``header`` is not given, these are used to initialize one. """ if not isinstance(data, VDIFFrame): data = VDIFFrame.fromdata(data, header, **kwargs) return data.tofile(self.fh_raw)
[docs] def write_frameset(self, data, header=None, **kwargs): """Write a single frame set (headers plus payloads). Parameters ---------- data : `~numpy.ndarray` or :class:`~baseband.vdif.VDIFFrameSet` If an array, a header should be given, which will be used to get the information needed to encode the array, and to construct the VDIF frame set. header : :class:`~baseband.vdif.VDIFHeader`, list of same Can instead give keyword arguments to construct a header. Ignored if `data` is a :class:`~baseband.vdif.VDIFFrameSet` instance. If a list, should have a length matching the number of threads in `data`; if a single header, ``thread_ids`` corresponding to the number of threads are generated automatically. **kwargs If ``header`` is not given, these are used to initialize one. """ if not isinstance(data, VDIFFrameSet): data = VDIFFrameSet.fromdata(data, header, **kwargs) return data.tofile(self.fh_raw)
[docs]class VDIFStreamBase(VLBIStreamBase): """Base for VDIF streams.""" _sample_shape_maker = namedtuple('SampleShape', 'nthread, nchan') def __init__(self, fh_raw, header0, sample_rate=None, nthread=1, squeeze=True, subset=(), fill_value=0., verify=True): samples_per_frame = header0.samples_per_frame super(VDIFStreamBase, self).__init__( fh_raw=fh_raw, header0=header0, sample_rate=sample_rate, samples_per_frame=samples_per_frame, unsliced_shape=(nthread, header0.nchan), bps=header0.bps, complex_data=header0['complex_data'], squeeze=squeeze, subset=subset, fill_value=fill_value, verify=verify) self._frame_rate = int(round((self.sample_rate / self.samples_per_frame).to_value(u.Hz))) def _get_time(self, header): """Get time from a header. This passes on sample rate, since not all VDIF headers can calculate it. """ return header.get_time(frame_rate=self.sample_rate / self.samples_per_frame) def __repr__(self): return ("<{s.__class__.__name__} name={} offset={s.offset}\n" " sample_rate={s.sample_rate}," " samples_per_frame={s.samples_per_frame},\n" " sample_shape={s.sample_shape},\n" " bps={h.bps}, complex_data={s.complex_data}," " edv={h.edv}, station={h.station},\n" " {sub}start_time={s.start_time}>" .format(s=self, h=self.header0, sub=('subset={0}, '.format(self.subset) if self.subset else '')))
[docs]class VDIFStreamReader(VDIFStreamBase, VLBIStreamReaderBase): """VLBI VDIF format reader. Allows access to a VDIF file as a continuous series of samples. Parameters ---------- fh_raw : filehandle Filehandle of the raw VDIF stream. sample_rate : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Number of complete samples per second, i.e. the rate at which each channel in each thread is sampled. If `None` (default), will be inferred from the header or by scanning one second of the file. squeeze : bool, optional If `True` (default), remove any dimensions of length unity from decoded data. subset : indexing object or tuple of objects, optional Specific components of the complete sample to decode (after possible squeezing). If a single indexing object is passed, it selects threads. If a tuple is passed, the first selects threads and the second selects channels. If the tuple is empty (default), all components are read. fill_value : float or complex, optional Value to use for invalid or missing data. Default: 0. verify : bool, optional Whether to do basic checks of frame integrity when reading. The first frameset of the stream is always checked. Default: `True`. """ def __init__(self, fh_raw, sample_rate=None, squeeze=True, subset=(), fill_value=0., verify=True): fh_raw = VDIFFileReader(fh_raw) # We read the first frameset, since we need to know how many threads # there are, and what the frameset size is. # Note that frameset keeps the first header, since in some VLBA files # not all the headers have the right time. Hopefully, the first is # least likely to have problems... frameset = fh_raw.read_frameset() header0 = frameset.header0 thread_ids = [fr['thread_id'] for fr in frameset.frames] self._frameset_nbytes = fh_raw.tell() super(VDIFStreamReader, self).__init__( fh_raw, header0, sample_rate=sample_rate, nthread=len(frameset.frames), squeeze=squeeze, subset=subset, fill_value=fill_value, verify=verify) # Check whether we are reading only some threads. This is somewhat # messy since normally we apply the whole subset to the whole data, # but here we need to split it up in the part that selects specific # threads, which we use to selectively read, and the rest, which we # do post-decoding. if self.subset and (len(thread_ids) > 1 or not self.squeeze): # Select the thread ids we want using first part of subset. thread_ids = np.array(thread_ids)[self.subset[0]] # Use squeese in case subset[0] uses broadcasting, and # atleast_1d to ensure single threads get upgraded to a list, # which is needed by the VDIFFrameSet reader. self._thread_ids = np.atleast_1d(thread_ids.squeeze()).tolist() # Reload the frame set, now only including the requested threads. frameset = fh_raw.read_frameset(self._thread_ids) # Since we have subset the threads already, we now need to # determine a new subset that takes this into account. if thread_ids.shape == (): # If we indexed with a scalar, we're meant to remove that # dimension. If we squeeze, this happens automatically, but if # not, we need to do it explicitly (FrameSet does not do it). new_subset0 = () if self.squeeze else (0,) elif len(self._thread_ids) == 1 and self.squeeze: # If we want a single remaining thread, undo the squeeze. new_subset0 = (np.newaxis,) else: # Just pass on multiple threads or unsqueezed single ones. new_subset0 = (slice(None),) self._frameset_subset = new_subset0 + self.subset[1:] else: # We either have no subset or we have a single thread that # will be squeezed away, so the subset is fine as is. self._frameset_subset = self.subset self._thread_ids = thread_ids self._frameset = frameset @lazyproperty def _last_header(self): """Last header of the file.""" # Go to end of file. with self.fh_raw.temporary_offset() as fh_raw:, 2) raw_size = fh_raw.tell() # Find first header with same thread_id going backward. found = False # Set maximum as twice number of frames in frameset. maximum = 2 * self._frameset_nbytes while not found:, 1) last_header = fh_raw.find_header( template_header=self.header0, maximum=maximum, forward=False) if last_header is None or (raw_size - fh_raw.tell() > maximum): raise ValueError("corrupt VDIF? No thread_id={0} frame " "in last {1} bytes." .format(self.header0['thread_id'], maximum)) found = last_header['thread_id'] == self.header0['thread_id'] return last_header def _squeeze_and_subset(self, data): # Overwrite VLBIStreamReaderBase version, since the threads part of # subset has already been used. if self.squeeze: data = data.reshape(data.shape[:1] + tuple(sh for sh in data.shape[1:] if sh > 1)) if self._frameset_subset: data = data[(slice(None),) + self._frameset_subset] return data def _read_frame(self, index): * self._frameset_nbytes) frameset = self.fh_raw.read_frameset(self._thread_ids, edv=self.header0.edv, verify=self.verify) frameset.fill_value = self.fill_value assert ((frameset['seconds'] - self.header0['seconds']) * self._frame_rate + frameset['frame_nr'] - self.header0['frame_nr']) == index return frameset
[docs]class VDIFStreamWriter(VDIFStreamBase, VLBIStreamWriterBase): """VLBI VDIF format writer. Encodes and writes sequences of samples to file. Parameters ---------- fh_raw : filehandle Which will write filled sets of frames to storage. header0 : :class:`~baseband.vdif.VDIFHeader` Header for the first frame, holding time information, etc. Can instead give keyword arguments to construct a header (see ``**kwargs``). sample_rate : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Number of complete samples per second, i.e. the rate at which each channel in each thread is sampled. For EDV 1 and 3, can alternatively set ``sample_rate`` within the header. nthread : int, optional Number of threads (e.g., 2 for 2 polarisations). Default: 1. squeeze : bool, optional If `True` (default), `write` accepts squeezed arrays as input, and adds any dimensions of length unity. **kwargs If no header is given, an attempt is made to construct one from these. For a standard header, this would include the following. --- Header keywords : (see :meth:`~baseband.vdif.VDIFHeader.fromvalues`) time : `~astropy.time.Time` Start time of the file. Can instead pass on ``ref_epoch`` and ``seconds``. nchan : int, optional Number of channels (default: 1). Note: different numbers of channels per thread is not supported. complex_data : bool, optional Whether data are complex. Default: `False`. bps : int, optional Bits per elementary sample, i.e. per real or imaginary component for complex data. Default: 1. samples_per_frame : int Number of complete samples per frame. Can alternatively use ``frame_length``, the number of 8-byte words for header plus payload. For some EDV, this number is fixed (e.g., ``frame_length=629`` for ``edv=3``, which corresponds to 20000 real 2-bit samples per frame). station : 2 characters, optional Station ID. Can also be an unsigned 2-byte integer. Default: 0. edv : {`False`, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 0xab} Extended Data Version. """ def __init__(self, fh_raw, header0=None, sample_rate=None, nthread=1, squeeze=True, **kwargs): fh_raw = VDIFFileWriter(fh_raw) if header0 is None: if sample_rate is not None: kwargs['sample_rate'] = sample_rate header0 = VDIFHeader.fromvalues(**kwargs) # If header was passed but not sample_rate, extract sample_rate. if sample_rate is None: try: sample_rate = header0.sample_rate except AttributeError: raise ValueError("the sample rate must be passed either " "explicitly, or through the header if it " "can be stored there.") super(VDIFStreamWriter, self).__init__( fh_raw, header0, sample_rate=sample_rate, nthread=nthread, squeeze=squeeze) # Set sample rate in the header, if it's possible, and not set already. try: header_sample_rate = self.header0.sample_rate except AttributeError: pass else: if header_sample_rate == 0: self.header0.sample_rate = self.sample_rate assert self.header0.sample_rate == self.sample_rate self._frameset = VDIFFrameSet.fromdata( np.zeros((self.samples_per_frame,) + self._unsliced_shape, dtype=np.complex64 if self.complex_data else np.float32), self.header0) def _make_frame(self, index): dt, frame_nr = divmod(index + self.header0['frame_nr'], self._frame_rate) seconds = self.header0['seconds'] + dt # Reuse frameset. self._frameset['seconds'] = seconds self._frameset['frame_nr'] = frame_nr return self._frameset
open = make_opener('VDIF', globals(), doc=""" --- For reading a stream : (see :class:`~baseband.vdif.base.VDIFStreamReader`) sample_rate : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Number of complete samples per second, i.e. the rate at which each channel in each thread is sampled. If `None` (default), will be inferred from the header or by scanning one second of the file. squeeze : bool, optional If `True` (default), remove any dimensions of length unity from decoded data. subset : indexing object or tuple of objects, optional Specific components of the complete sample to decode (after possible squeezing). If a single indexing object is passed, it selects threads. If a tuple is passed, the first selects threads and the second selects channels. If the tuple is empty (default), all components are read. fill_value : float or complex, optional Value to use for invalid or missing data. Default: 0. verify : bool, optional Whether to do basic checks of frame integrity when reading. The first frameset of the stream is always checked. Default: `True`. --- For writing a stream : (see :class:`~baseband.vdif.base.VDIFStreamWriter`) header0 : `~baseband.vdif.VDIFHeader` Header for the first frame, holding time information, etc. Can instead give keyword arguments to construct a header (see ``**kwargs``). sample_rate : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Number of complete samples per second, i.e. the rate at which each channel in each thread is sampled. For EDV 1 and 3, can alternatively set `sample_rate` within the header. nthread : int, optional Number of threads (e.g., 2 for 2 polarisations). Default: 1. squeeze : bool, optional If `True` (default), writer accepts squeezed arrays as input, and adds any dimensions of length unity. file_size : int or None, optional When writing to a sequence of files, the maximum size of one file in bytes. If `None` (default), the file size is unlimited, and only the first file will be written to. **kwargs If the header is not given, an attempt will be made to construct one with any further keyword arguments. See :class:`~baseband.vdif.base.VDIFStreamWriter`. Notes ----- One can also pass to ``name`` a list, tuple, or subclass of `~baseband.helpers.sequentialfile.FileNameSequencer`. For writing to multiple files, the ``file_size`` keyword must be passed or only the first file will be written to. One may also pass in a `~baseband.helpers.sequentialfile` object (opened in 'rb' mode for reading or 'w+b' for writing), though for typical use cases it is practically identical to passing in a list or template. """)