
class baseband.vlbi_base.payload.VLBIPayloadBase(words, sample_shape=(), bps=2, complex_data=False)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: object

Container for decoding and encoding VLBI payloads.

Any subclass should define dictionaries _decoders and _encoders, which hold functions that decode/encode the payload words to/from ndarray. These dictionaries are assumed to be indexed by bps.


words : ndarray

Array containg LSB unsigned words (with the right size) that encode the payload.

sample_shape : tuple

Shape of the samples (e.g., (nchan,)). Default: ().

bps : int

Bits per elementary sample, i.e., per channel and per real or imaginary component. Default: 2.

complex_data : bool

Whether the data are complex. Default: False.

Attributes Summary

data Full decoded payload.
dtype Numeric type of the decoded data array.
nbytes Size of the payload in bytes.
ndim Number of dimensions of the decoded data array.
shape Shape of the decoded data array.
size Total number of component samples in the decoded data array.

Methods Summary

fromdata(data[, header, bps]) Encode data as a payload.
fromfile(fh, *args, **kwargs) Read payload from filehandle and decode it into data.
tofile(fh) Write payload to filehandle.

Attributes Documentation


Full decoded payload.


Numeric type of the decoded data array.


Size of the payload in bytes.


Number of dimensions of the decoded data array.


Shape of the decoded data array.


Total number of component samples in the decoded data array.

Methods Documentation

classmethod fromdata(data, header=None, bps=2)[source] [edit on github]

Encode data as a payload.


data : ndarray

Data to be encoded. The last dimension is taken as the number of channels.

header : header instance, optional

If given, used to infer the bps.

bps : int, optional

Bits per elementary sample, i.e., per channel and per real or imaginary component, used if header is not given. Default: 2.

classmethod fromfile(fh, *args, **kwargs)[source] [edit on github]

Read payload from filehandle and decode it into data.


fh : filehandle

From which data is read.

payload_nbytes : int

Number of bytes to read (default: as given in cls._nbytes).

Any other (keyword) arguments are passed on to the class initialiser.

tofile(fh)[source] [edit on github]

Write payload to filehandle.