
baseband.mark5b.payload.init_luts()[source] [edit on github]

Set up the look-up tables for levels as a function of input byte.

For 1-bit mode, one has just the sign bit:
s value
0 -1
1 +1
For 2-bit mode, there is a sign and a magnitude, which encode:
m s value s*2+m
0 0 -Hi 0
0 1 +1 2
1 0 -1 1
1 1 +Hi 3

See Table 13 in and Appendix A: sign always on even bit stream (0, 2, 4, …), and magnitude on adjacent odd stream (1, 3, 5, …).

In the above table, the last column is the index in the linearly increasing table of levels (decoder_levels[2]).