.. _new_edv: ************************* Supporting a New VDIF EDV ************************* Users may encounter VDIF files with unusual headers not currently supported by Baseband. These may either have novel EDV, or they may purport to be a supported EDV but not conform to its `formal specification `_. To handle such situations, Baseband supports implementation of new EDVs and overriding of existing EDVs without the need to modify Baseband's source code. The tutorials below assumes the following modules have been imported:: >>> import numpy as np >>> import astropy.units as u >>> from baseband import vdif, vlbi_base as vlbi .. _new_edv_vdif_headers: VDIF Headers ============ Each VDIF frame begins with a 32-byte, or eight 32-bit **word**, header that is structured as follows: .. figure:: VDIFHeader.png :scale: 50 % Schematic of the standard 32-bit VDIF header, from `VDIF specification release 1.1.1 document, Fig. 3 `_. 32-bit words are labelled on the left, while byte and bit numbers above indicate relative addresses within each word. Subscripts indicate field length in bits. where the abbreviated labels are - :math:`\mathrm{I}_1` - invalid data - :math:`\mathrm{L}_1` - if 1, header is VDIF legacy - :math:`\mathrm{V}_3` - VDIF version number - :math:`\mathrm{log}_2\mathrm{(\#chns)}_5` - :math:`\mathrm{log}_2` of the number of sub-bands in the frame - :math:`\mathrm{C}_1` - if 1, complex data - :math:`\mathrm{EDV}_8` - "extended data version" number; see below Detailed definitions of terms are found on pages 5 to 7 of the `VDIF specification document `_. Words 4 - 7 hold optional extended user data, using a layout specified by the EDV, in word 4 of the header. EDV formats can be registered on the `VDIF website `_; Baseband aims to support all registered formats (but does not currently support EDV = 4). .. _new_edv_new_edv: Implementing a New EDV ====================== In this tutorial, we follow the implementation of an EDV=4 header. This would be a first and required step to support that format, but does not suffice, as it also needs a new frame class that allows the purpose of the EDV class, which is to independently store the validity of sub-band channels within a single data frame, rather than using the single invalid-data bit. From the `EDV=4 specification `_, we see that we need to add the following to the standard VDIF header: - Validity header mask (word 4, bits 16 - 24): integer value between 1 and 64 inclusive indicating the number of validity bits. (This is different than :math:`\mathrm{log}_2\mathrm{(\#chns)}_5`, since some channels can be unused.) - Synchronization pattern (word 5): constant byte sequence ``0xACABFEED``, for finding the locations of headers in a data stream. - Validity mask (words 6 - 7): 64-bit binary mask indicating the validity of sub-bands. Any fraction of 64 sub-bands can be stored in this format, with any unused bands labelled as invalid (``0``) in the mask. If the number of bands exceeds 64, each bit indicates the validity of a group of sub-bands; see specification for details. See Sec. 3.1 of the specification for best practices on using the invalid data bit :math:`\mathrm{I}_1` in word 0. In Baseband, a header is parsed using :class:`~baseband.vdif.header.VDIFHeader`, which returns a header instance that is a subclass of :class:`~!baseband.vdif.header.VDIFHeader` corresponding to the header EDV. This can be seen in the :mod:`~baseband.vdif.header` module class inheritance diagram. To support a new EDV, we create a new subclass to :class:`~!baseband.vdif.header.VDIFHeader`:: >>> class VDIFHeader4(vdif.header.VDIFHeader): ... _edv = 4 ... ... _header_parser = vlbi.header.HeaderParser( ... (('invalid_data', (0, 31, 1, False)), ... ('legacy_mode', (0, 30, 1, False)), ... ('seconds', (0, 0, 30)), ... ('_1_30_2', (1, 30, 2, 0x0)), ... ('ref_epoch', (1, 24, 6)), ... ('frame_nr', (1, 0, 24, 0x0)), ... ('vdif_version', (2, 29, 3, 0x1)), ... ('lg2_nchan', (2, 24, 5)), ... ('frame_length', (2, 0, 24)), ... ('complex_data', (3, 31, 1)), ... ('bits_per_sample', (3, 26, 5)), ... ('thread_id', (3, 16, 10, 0x0)), ... ('station_id', (3, 0, 16)), ... ('edv', (4, 24, 8)), ... ('validity_mask_length', (4, 16, 8, 0)), ... ('sync_pattern', (5, 0, 32, 0xACABFEED)), ... ('validity_mask', (6, 0, 64, 0)))) :class:`~!baseband.vdif.header.VDIFHeader` has a metaclass that ensures that whenever it is subclassed, the subclass definition is inserted into the :obj:`~baseband.vdif.header.VDIF_HEADER_CLASSES` dictionary using its EDV value as the dictionary key. Methods in :class:`~!baseband.vdif.header.VDIFHeader` use this dictionary to determine the type of object to return for a particular EDV. How all this works is further discussed in the documentation of the VDIF :mod:`header ` module. The class must have a private ``_edv`` attribute for it to properly be registered in :obj:`~!baseband.vdif.header.VDIF_HEADER_CLASSES`. It must also feature a ``_header_parser`` that reads these words to return header properties. For this, we utilize :class:`vlbi_base.header.HeaderParser `, available in :mod:`baseband.vlbi_base.header`. To initialize a header parser, we pass it a tuple of header properties, where each entry follows the syntax: ``('property_name', (word_index, bit_index, bit_length, default))`` where - ``property_name``: name of the header property; this will be the key; - ``word_index``: index into the header words for this key; - ``bit_index``: index to the starting bit of the part used; - ``bit_length``: number of bits used, normally between 1 and 32, but can be 64 for adding two words together; and - ``default``: (optional) default value to use in initialization. For further details, see the documentation of :class:`~baseband.vlbi_base.header.HeaderParser`. Once defined, we can use our new header like any other:: >>> myheader = vdif.header.VDIFHeader.fromvalues( ... edv=4, seconds=14363767, nchan=1, ... station=65532, bps=2, complex_data=False, ... thread_id=3, validity_mask_length=60, ... validity_mask=(1 << 59) + 1) >>> myheader >>> myheader['validity_mask'] == 2**59 + 1 True There is an easier means of instantiating the header parser. As can be seen in the class inheritance diagram for the :mod:`~baseband.vdif.header` module, many VDIF headers are subclassed from other :mod:`~baseband.vdif.header.VDIFHeader` subclasses, namely :mod:`~baseband.vdif.header.VDIFBaseHeader` and :mod:`~baseband.vdif.header.VDIFSampleRateHeader`. This is because many EDV specifications share common header values, and so their functions and derived properties should be shared as well. Moreover, header parsers can be appended to one another, which saves repetitious coding because the first four words of any VDIF header are the same. Indeed, we can create the same header as above by subclassing :mod:`~baseband.vdif.header.VDIFBaseHeader`:: >>> class VDIFHeader4Enhanced(vdif.header.VDIFBaseHeader): ... _edv = 42 ... ... _header_parser = vdif.header.VDIFBaseHeader._header_parser +\ ... vlbi.header.HeaderParser(( ... ('validity_mask_length', (4, 16, 8, 0)), ... ('sync_pattern', (5, 0, 32, 0xACABFEED)), ... ('validity_mask', (6, 0, 64, 0)))) ... ... _properties = vdif.header.VDIFBaseHeader._properties + ('validity',) ... ... def verify(self): ... """Basic checks of header integrity.""" ... super(VDIFHeader4Enhanced, self).verify() ... assert 1 <= self['validity_mask_length'] <= 64 ... ... @property ... def validity(self): ... """Validity mask array with proper length. ... ... If set, writes both ``validity_mask`` and ``validity_mask_length``. ... """ ... bitmask = np.unpackbits(self['validity_mask'].astype('>u8') ... .view('u1'))[::-1].astype(bool) ... return bitmask[:self['validity_mask_length']] ... ... @validity.setter ... def validity(self, validity): ... bitmask = np.zeros(64, dtype=bool) ... bitmask[:len(validity)] = validity ... self['validity_mask_length'] = len(validity) ... self['validity_mask'] = np.packbits(bitmask[::-1]).view('>u8') Here, we set ``edv = 42`` because :class:`~!baseband.vdif.header.VDIFHeader`'s metaclass is designed to prevent accidental overwriting of existing entries in :obj:`~!baseband.vdif.header.VDIF_HEADER_CLASSES`. If we had used ``_edv = 4``, we would have gotten an exception: ``ValueError: EDV 4 already registered in VDIF_HEADER_CLASSES`` We shall see how to override header classes in the next section. Except for the EDV, ``VDIFHeader4Enhanced``'s header structure is identical to ``VDIFHeader4``. It also contains a few extra functions to enhance the header's usability. The ``verify`` function is an optional function that runs upon header initialization to check its veracity. Ours simply checks that the validity mask length is in the allowed range, but we also call the same function in the superclass (:class:`~baseband.vdif.header.VDIFBaseHeader`), which checks that the header is not in 4-word "legacy mode", that the header's EDV matches that read from the words, that there are eight words, and that the sync pattern matches ``0xACABFEED``. The ``validity_mask`` is a bit mask, which is not necessarily the easiest to use directly. Hence, implement a derived ``validity`` property that generates a boolean mask of the right length (note that this is not right for cases whether the number of channels in the header exceeds 64). We also define a corresponding setter, and add this to the private ``_properties`` attribute, so that we can use ``validity`` as a keyword in ``fromvalues``:: >>> myenhancedheader = vdif.header.VDIFHeader.fromvalues( ... edv=42, seconds=14363767, nchan=1, ... station=65532, bps=2, complex_data=False, ... thread_id=3, validity=[True]+[False]*58+[True]) >>> myenhancedheader >>> assert myenhancedheader['validity_mask'] == 2**59 + 1 >>> assert (myenhancedheader.validity == [True]+[False]*58+[True]).all() >>> myenhancedheader.validity = [True]*8 >>> myenhancedheader['validity_mask'] array([255], dtype=uint64) .. note:: If you have implemented support for a new EDV that is widely used, we encourage you to make a pull request to Baseband's `GitHub repository `_, as well as to `register it `_ (if it is not already registered) with the VDIF consortium! .. _new_edv_replacement: Replacing an Existing EDV ========================= Above, we mentioned that :class:`~!baseband.vdif.header.VDIFHeader`'s metaclass is designed to prevent accidental overwriting of existing entries in :obj:`~!baseband.vdif.header.VDIF_HEADER_CLASSES`, so attempting to assign two header classes to the same EDV results in an exception. There are situations such the one above, however, where we'd like to replace one header with another. To get :class:`~!baseband.vdif.header.VDIFHeader` to use ``VDIFHeader4Enhanced`` when ``edv=4``, we can manually insert it in the dictionary:: >>> vdif.header.VDIF_HEADER_CLASSES[4] = VDIFHeader4Enhanced Of course, we should then be sure that its ``_edv`` attribute is correct:: >>> VDIFHeader4Enhanced._edv = 4 :class:`~!baseband.vdif.header.VDIFHeader` will now return instances of ``VDIFHeader4Enhanced`` when reading headers with ``edv = 4``:: >>> myheader = vdif.header.VDIFHeader.fromvalues( ... edv=4, seconds=14363767, nchan=1, ... station=65532, bps=2, complex_data=False, ... thread_id=3, validity=[True]*60) >>> assert isinstance(myheader, VDIFHeader4Enhanced) .. note:: Failing to modify ``_edv`` in the class definition will lead to an EDV mismatch when ``verify`` is called during header initialization. This can also be used to override :class:`~!baseband.vdif.header.VDIFHeader`'s behavior *even for EDVs that are supported by Baseband*, which may prove useful when reading data with corrupted or mislabelled headers. To illustrate this, we attempt to read in a corrupted VDIF file originally from the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory. This file can be imported from the baseband data directory:: >>> from baseband.data import SAMPLE_DRAO_CORRUPT Naively opening the file with >>> fh = vdif.open(SAMPLE_DRAO_CORRUPT, 'rs') # doctest: +SKIP will lead to an AssertionError. This is because while the headers of the file use EDV=0, it deviates from that EDV standard by storing additional information an: an "eud2" parameter in word 5, which is related to the sample time. Furthermore, the ``bits_per_sample`` setting is incorrect (it should be 3 rather than 4 -- the number is defined such that a one-bit sample has a ``bits_per_sample`` code of 0). Finally, though not an error, the ``thread_id`` in word 3 defines two parts, ``link`` and ``slot``, which reflect the data acquisition computer node that wrote the data to disk. To accommodate these changes, we design an alternate header. We first pop the EDV = 0 entry from :obj:`~!baseband.vdif.header.VDIF_HEADER_CLASSES`:: >>> vdif.header.VDIF_HEADER_CLASSES.pop(0) We then define a replacement class:: >>> class DRAOVDIFHeader(vdif.header.VDIFHeader0): ... """DRAO VDIF Header ... ... An extension of EDV=0 which uses the thread_id to store link ... and slot numbers, and adds a user keyword (illegal in EDV0, ... but whatever) that identifies data taken at the same time. ... ... The header also corrects 'bits_per_sample' to be properly bps-1. ... """ ... ... _header_parser = vdif.header.VDIFHeader0._header_parser + \ ... vlbi.header.HeaderParser((('link', (3, 16, 4)), ... ('slot', (3, 20, 6)), ... ('eud2', (5, 0, 32)))) ... ... def verify(self): ... pass # this is a hack, don't bother with verification... ... ... @classmethod ... def fromfile(cls, fh, edv=0, verify=False): ... self = super(DRAOVDIFHeader, cls).fromfile(fh, edv=0, ... verify=False) ... # Correct wrong bps ... self.mutable = True ... self['bits_per_sample'] = 3 ... return self We override ``verify`` because :class:`~!baseband.vdif.header.VDIFHeader0`'s ``verify`` function checks that word 5 contains no data. We also override the ``fromfile`` class method such that the ``bits_per_sample`` property is reset to its proper value whenever a header is read from file. We can now read in the corrupt file by manually reading in the header, then the payload, of each frame:: >>> fh = vdif.open(SAMPLE_DRAO_CORRUPT, 'rb') >>> header0 = DRAOVDIFHeader.fromfile(fh) >>> header0['eud2'] == 667235140 True >>> header0['link'] == 2 True >>> payload0 = vdif.payload.VDIFPayload.fromfile(fh, header0) >>> payload0.shape == (header0.samples_per_frame, header0.nchan) True >>> fh.close() Reading a frame using :class:`~!baseband.vdif.frame.VDIFFrame` will still fail, since its ``_header_class`` is :class:`~baseband.vdif.header.VDIFHeader`, and so :meth:`VDIFHeader.fromfile <~!baseband.vdif.header.VDIFHeader.fromfile>`, rather than the function we defined, is used to read in headers. If we wanted to use :class:`~!baseband.vdif.frame.VDIFFrame`, we would need to set ``VDIFFrame._header_class = DRAOVDIFHeader`` before using :func:`~!baseband.vdif.open`, so that header files are read using ``DRAOVDIFHeader.fromfile``. A more elegant solution that is compatible with :class:`~!baseband.vdif.base.VDIFStreamReader` without hacking :class:`~!baseband.vdif.frame.VDIFFrame` involves modifying the bits-per-sample code within ``__init__()``. Let's remove our previous custom class, and define a replacement:: >>> vdif.header.VDIF_HEADER_CLASSES.pop(0) >>> class DRAOVDIFHeaderEnhanced(vdif.header.VDIFHeader0): ... """DRAO VDIF Header ... ... An extension of EDV=0 which uses the thread_id to store link and slot ... numbers, and adds a user keyword (illegal in EDV0, but whatever) that ... identifies data taken at the same time. ... ... The header also corrects 'bits_per_sample' to be properly bps-1. ... """ ... _header_parser = vdif.header.VDIFHeader0._header_parser + \ ... vlbi.header.HeaderParser((('link', (3, 16, 4)), ... ('slot', (3, 20, 6)), ... ('eud2', (5, 0, 32)))) ... ... def __init__(self, words, edv=None, verify=True, **kwargs): ... super(DRAOVDIFHeaderEnhanced, self).__init__( ... words, verify=False, **kwargs) ... self.mutable = True ... self['bits_per_sample'] = 3 ... ... def verify(self): ... pass We can then use the stream reader without further modification:: >>> fh2 = vdif.open(SAMPLE_DRAO_CORRUPT, 'rs', sample_rate=5**12*u.Hz) >>> fh2.header0['eud2'] == header0['eud2'] True >>> np.all(fh2.read(1) == payload0[0]) True >>> fh2.close() Reading frames using :meth:`VDIFFileReader.read_frame ` will now work as well, but reading frame sets using :meth:`VDIFFileReader.read_frameset ` will still fail. This is because the frame and thread numbers that function relies on are meaningless for these headers, and grouping threads together using the ``link``, ``slot`` and ``eud2`` values should be manually performed by the user.