.. _mark5b: .. include:: ../tutorials/glossary_substitutions.rst ******* MARK 5B ******* The Mark 5B format is the output format of the Mark 5B disk-based VLBI data system. It is described in its `design specifications`_. .. _design specifications: http://www.haystack.mit.edu/tech/vlbi/mark5/mark5_memos/019.pdf .. _mark5b_file_structure: File Structure ============== Each :term:`data frame` consists of a :term:`header` consisting of four 32-bit words (16 bytes) followed by a :term:`payload` of 2500 32-bit words (10000 bytes). The header contains a sync word, frame number, and timestamp (accurate to 1 ms), as well as user-specified data; see Sec. 1 of the `design specifications`_ for details. The payload supports :math:`2^n` bit streams, for :math:`0 \leq n \leq 5`, and the first sample of each stream corresponds precisely to the header time. |Elementary samples| may be 1 or 2 bits in size, with the latter being stored in two successive bit streams. The number of |channels| is equal to the number of bit-streams divided by the number of bits per elementary sample (Baseband currently only supports files where all bit-streams are active). Files begin at a header (unlike for Mark 4), and an integer number of frames fit within 1 second. The Mark 5B system also outputs files with the active bit-stream mask, number of frames per second, and observational metadata (Sec. 1.3 of the `design specifications`_). Baseband does not yet use these files, and instead requires the user specify, for example, the :term:`sample rate`. .. _mark5b_usage: Usage ===== This section covers reading and writing Mark 5B files with Baseband; general usage can be found under the :ref:`Using Baseband ` section. For situations in which one is unsure of a file's format, Baseband features the general `baseband.open` and `baseband.file_info` functions, which are also discussed in :ref:`Using Baseband `. The examples below use the small sample file ``baseband/data/sample.m5b``, and the `numpy`, `astropy.units`, `astropy.time.Time`, and `baseband.mark5b` modules:: >>> import numpy as np >>> import astropy.units as u >>> from astropy.time import Time >>> from baseband import mark5b >>> from baseband.data import SAMPLE_MARK5B Opening a Mark 5B file with `~baseband.mark5b.open` in binary mode provides a normal file reader extended with methods to read a `~baseband.mark5b.Mark5BFrame`. The number of channels, kiloday (thousands of MJD) and number of bits per sample must all be passed when using `~baseband.mark5b.base.Mark5BFileReader.read_frame`:: >>> fb = mark5b.open(SAMPLE_MARK5B, 'rb', kday=56000, nchan=8) >>> frame = fb.read_frame() >>> frame.shape (5000, 8) >>> fb.close() Our sample file has 2-bit :term:`component` samples, which is also the default for `~baseband.mark5b.base.Mark5BFileReader.read_frame`, so it does not need to be passed. Also, we may pass a reference `~astropy.time.Time` object within 500 days of the observation start time to ``ref_time``, rather than ``kday``. Opening as a stream wraps the low-level routines such that reading and writing is in units of samples. It also provides access to header information. Here, we also must provide ``nchan``, ``sample_rate``, and ``ref_time`` or ``kday``:: >>> fh = mark5b.open(SAMPLE_MARK5B, 'rs', sample_rate=32*u.MHz, nchan=8, ... ref_time=Time('2014-06-13 12:00:00')) >>> fh >>> header0 = fh.header0 # To be used for writing, below. >>> d = fh.read(10000) >>> d.shape (10000, 8) >>> d[0, :3] # doctest: +FLOAT_CMP array([-3.316505, -1. , 1. ], dtype=float32) >>> fh.close() When writing to file, we again need to pass in ``sample_rate`` and ``nchan``, though time can either be passed explicitly or inferred from the header:: >>> fw = mark5b.open('test.m5b', 'ws', header0=header0, ... sample_rate=32*u.MHz, nchan=8) >>> fw.write(d) >>> fw.close() >>> fh = mark5b.open('test.m5b', 'rs', sample_rate=32*u.MHz, ... kday=57000, nchan=8) >>> np.all(fh.read() == d) True >>> fh.close() .. _mark5b_api: Reference/API ============= .. automodapi:: baseband.mark5b .. automodapi:: baseband.mark5b.header :include-all-objects: .. automodapi:: baseband.mark5b.payload .. automodapi:: baseband.mark5b.frame .. automodapi:: baseband.mark5b.base