Source code for baseband.mark5b.base

# Licensed under the GPLv3 - see LICENSE
from __future__ import division, unicode_literals, print_function

import numpy as np
import astropy.units as u
from astropy.utils import lazyproperty

from ..vlbi_base.base import (VLBIFileBase, VLBIFileReaderBase, VLBIStreamBase,
                              VLBIStreamReaderBase, VLBIStreamWriterBase,
from .header import Mark5BHeader
from .payload import Mark5BPayload
from .frame import Mark5BFrame
from .file_info import Mark5BFileReaderInfo

__all__ = ['Mark5BFileReader', 'Mark5BFileWriter', 'Mark5BStreamReader',
           'Mark5BStreamWriter', 'open']

[docs]class Mark5BFileReader(VLBIFileReaderBase): """Simple reader for Mark 5B files. Wraps a binary filehandle, providing methods to help interpret the data, such as `read_frame` and `get_frame_rate`. Parameters ---------- fh_raw : filehandle Filehandle of the raw binary data file. kday : int or None Explicit thousands of MJD of the observation time. Can instead pass an approximate ``ref_time``. ref_time : `~astropy.time.Time` or None Reference time within 500 days of the observation time, used to infer the full MJD. Used only if ``kday`` is not given. nchan : int, optional Number of channels. Default: 1. bps : int, optional Bits per elementary sample. Default: 2. """ def __init__(self, fh_raw, kday=None, ref_time=None, nchan=None, bps=2): self.kday = kday self.ref_time = ref_time self.nchan = nchan self.bps = bps super(Mark5BFileReader, self).__init__(fh_raw) def __repr__(self): return ("{name}(fh_raw={s.fh_raw}, kday={s.kday}, " "ref_time={s.ref_time}, nchan={s.nchan}, bps={s.bps})" .format(name=self.__class__.__name__, s=self)) info = Mark5BFileReaderInfo()
[docs] def read_header(self): """Read a single header from the file. Returns ------- header : `~baseband.mark5b.Mark5BHeader` """ return Mark5BHeader.fromfile(self, kday=self.kday, ref_time=self.ref_time)
[docs] def read_frame(self, verify=True): """Read a single frame (header plus payload). Returns ------- frame : `~baseband.mark5b.Mark5BFrame` With ``header`` and ``data`` properties that return the `~baseband.mark5b.Mark5BHeader` and data encoded in the frame, respectively. verify : bool, optional Whether to do basic checks of frame integrity. Default: `True`. """ if self.nchan is None: raise TypeError("In order to read frames, the file handle should " "be initialized with nchan set.") return Mark5BFrame.fromfile(self.fh_raw, kday=self.kday, ref_time=self.ref_time, nchan=self.nchan, bps=self.bps, verify=verify)
[docs] def get_frame_rate(self): """Determine the number of frames per second. This method first tries to determine the frame rate by looking for the highest frame number in the first second of data. If that fails, it uses the time difference between two consecutive frames. This can fail if the headers do not store fractional seconds, or if the data rate is above 512 Mbps. Returns ------- frame_rate : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Frames per second. """ try: return super(Mark5BFileReader, self).get_frame_rate() except Exception as exc: oldpos = self.tell() try: header0 = self.read_header(), 1) header1 = self.read_header() tdelta = header1.fraction - header0.fraction if tdelta == 0.: exc.args += ("frame rate can also not be determined " "from the first two headers, as they have " "identical fractional seconds.",) return np.round(1 / tdelta) * u.Hz except Exception: pass finally: raise exc
[docs] def find_header(self, forward=True, maximum=None): """Find the nearest header from the current position. If successful, the file pointer is left at the start of the header. Parameters ---------- forward : bool, optional Seek forward if `True` (default), backward if `False`. maximum : int, optional Maximum number of bytes to search through. Default: twice the frame size of 10016 bytes. Returns ------- header : :class:`~baseband.mark5b.Mark5BHeader` or None Retrieved Mark 5B header, or `None` if nothing found. """ frame_nbytes = 10016 # This is fixed for Mark 5B. if maximum is None: maximum = 2 * frame_nbytes # Loop over chunks to try to find the frame marker. file_pos = self.tell() # First check whether we are right at a frame marker (usually true). try: header = self.read_header(), 1) return header except AssertionError: pass, 2) nbytes = self.tell() if forward: iterate = range(file_pos, min(file_pos + maximum - 16, nbytes - frame_nbytes)) else: iterate = range(min(file_pos, nbytes - frame_nbytes), max(file_pos - maximum, -1), -1) for frame in iterate: try: header1 = self.read_header() except AssertionError: continue # Get header from a frame up and check it is consistent (we always # check up since this checks that the payload has the right length) next_frame = frame + frame_nbytes if next_frame > nbytes - 16: # If we're too far ahead for there to be another header, # at least the one below should be OK. next_frame = frame - frame_nbytes # Except if there is only one frame in the first place. if next_frame < 0: return header1 try: header2 = self.read_header() except AssertionError: continue if(header2.jday == header1.jday and abs(header2.seconds - header1.seconds) <= 1 and abs(header2['frame_nr'] - header1['frame_nr']) <= 1): return header1 # Didn't find any frame. return None
[docs]class Mark5BFileWriter(VLBIFileBase): """Simple writer for Mark 5B files. Adds `write_frame` method to the VLBI binary file wrapper. """
[docs] def write_frame(self, data, header=None, bps=2, valid=True, **kwargs): """Write a single frame (header plus payload). Parameters ---------- data : `~numpy.ndarray` or :`~baseband.mark5b.Mark5BFrame` If an array, ``header`` should be given, which will be used to get the information needed to encode the array, and to construct the Mark 5B frame. header : `~baseband.mark5b.Mark5BHeader` Can instead give keyword arguments to construct a header. Ignored if ``data`` is a `~baseband.mark5b.Mark5BFrame` instance. bps : int, optional Bits per elementary sample, to use when encoding the payload. Ignored if ``data`` is a `~baseband.mark5b.Mark5BFrame` instance. Default: 2. valid : bool, optional Whether the data are valid; if `False`, a payload filled with an appropriate pattern will be crated. Ignored if ``data`` is a `~baseband.mark5b.Mark5BFrame` instance. Default: `True`. **kwargs If ``header`` is not given, these are used to initialize one. """ if not isinstance(data, Mark5BFrame): data = Mark5BFrame.fromdata(data, header, bps=bps, valid=valid, **kwargs) return data.tofile(self.fh_raw)
class Mark5BStreamBase(VLBIStreamBase): """Base for Mark 5B streams.""" def __init__(self, fh_raw, header0, sample_rate=None, nchan=1, bps=2, squeeze=True, subset=(), fill_value=0., verify=True): super(Mark5BStreamBase, self).__init__( fh_raw, header0=header0, sample_rate=sample_rate, samples_per_frame=header0.payload_nbytes * 8 // bps // nchan, unsliced_shape=(nchan,), bps=bps, complex_data=False, squeeze=squeeze, subset=subset, fill_value=fill_value, verify=verify) self._frame_rate = int(round((self.sample_rate / self.samples_per_frame).to_value(u.Hz)))
[docs]class Mark5BStreamReader(Mark5BStreamBase, VLBIStreamReaderBase): """VLBI Mark 5B format reader. Allows access a Mark 5B file as a continues series of samples. Parameters ---------- fh_raw : filehandle Filehandle of the raw Mark 5B stream. sample_rate : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Number of complete samples per second, i.e. the rate at which each channel is sampled. If `None` (default), will be inferred from scanning one second of the file or, failing that, using the time difference between two consecutive frames. kday : int or None Explicit thousands of MJD of the observation start time (eg. ``57000`` for MJD 57999), used to infer the full MJD from the header's time information. Can instead pass an approximate ``ref_time``. ref_time : `~astropy.time.Time` or None Reference time within 500 days of the observation start time, used to infer the full MJD. Only used if ``kday`` is not given. nchan : int Number of channels. Needs to be explicitly passed in. bps : int, optional Bits per elementary sample. Default: 2. squeeze : bool, optional If `True` (default), remove any dimensions of length unity from decoded data. subset : indexing object, optional Specific channels of the complete sample to decode (after possible squeezing). If an empty tuple (default), all channels are read. fill_value : float or complex Value to use for invalid or missing data. Default: 0. verify : bool, optional Whether to do basic checks of frame integrity when reading. The first frame of the stream is always checked. Default: `True`. """ _sample_shape_maker = Mark5BPayload._sample_shape_maker def __init__(self, fh_raw, sample_rate=None, kday=None, ref_time=None, nchan=None, bps=2, squeeze=True, subset=(), fill_value=0., verify=True): if nchan is None: raise TypeError("Mark 5B stream reader requires nchan to be " "explicity passed in.") if kday is None and ref_time is None: raise TypeError("Mark 5B stream reader requires either kday or " "ref_time to be passed in.") fh_raw = Mark5BFileReader(fh_raw, nchan=nchan, bps=bps, ref_time=ref_time, kday=kday) header0 = fh_raw.find_header() super(Mark5BStreamReader, self).__init__( fh_raw, header0, sample_rate=sample_rate, nchan=nchan, bps=bps, squeeze=squeeze, subset=subset, fill_value=fill_value, verify=verify) # Use ref_time in preference to kday so we can handle files that # span a change in 1000s of MJD. self.fh_raw.kday = None self.fh_raw.ref_time = self.start_time @lazyproperty def _last_header(self): """Last header of the file.""" last_header = super(Mark5BStreamReader, self)._last_header # Infer kday, assuming the end of the file is no more than # 500 days away from the start. last_header.infer_kday(self.start_time) return last_header def _read_frame(self, index): * self.header0.frame_nbytes) frame = self.fh_raw.read_frame(verify=self.verify) # Set decoded value for invalid data. frame.fill_value = self.fill_value # TODO: OK to ignore leap seconds? Not sure what writer does. assert (self._frame_rate * (frame.seconds - self.header0.seconds + 86400 * (frame.kday + frame.jday - self.header0.kday - self.header0.jday)) + frame['frame_nr'] - self.header0['frame_nr']) == index return frame
[docs]class Mark5BStreamWriter(Mark5BStreamBase, VLBIStreamWriterBase): """VLBI Mark 5B format writer. Encodes and writes sequences of samples to file. Parameters ---------- fh_raw : filehandle For writing filled sets of frames to storage. header0 : `~baseband.mark5b.Mark5BHeader` Header for the first frame, holding time information, etc. Can instead give keyword arguments to construct a header (see ``**kwargs``). sample_rate : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Number of complete samples per second, i.e. the rate at which each channel is sampled. Needed to calculate header timestamps. nchan : int, optional Number of channels. Default: 1. bps : int, optional Bits per elementary sample. Default: 2. squeeze : bool, optional If `True` (default), `write` accepts squeezed arrays as input, and adds any dimensions of length unity. **kwargs If no header is given, an attempt is made to construct one from these. For a standard header, the following suffices. --- Header kwargs : (see :meth:`~baseband.mark5b.Mark5BHeader.fromvalues`) time : `~astropy.time.Time` Start time of the file. Sets bcd-encoded unit day, hour, minute, second, and fraction, as well as the frame number, in the header. """ _sample_shape_maker = Mark5BPayload._sample_shape_maker def __init__(self, fh_raw, header0=None, sample_rate=None, nchan=1, bps=2, squeeze=True, **kwargs): samples_per_frame = Mark5BHeader._payload_nbytes * 8 // bps // nchan if header0 is None: if 'time' in kwargs: kwargs['frame_rate'] = sample_rate / samples_per_frame header0 = Mark5BHeader.fromvalues(**kwargs) fh_raw = Mark5BFileWriter(fh_raw) super(Mark5BStreamWriter, self).__init__( fh_raw, header0, sample_rate=sample_rate, nchan=nchan, bps=bps, squeeze=squeeze) # Initial payload, reused for every frame. self._payload = Mark5BPayload(np.zeros((2500,), np.uint32), nchan=self._unsliced_shape.nchan, bps=self.bps) def _make_frame(self, index): # Set up header for new frame. header = self.header0.copy() # Update time and frame_nr in one go. frame_rate = self._frame_rate * u.Hz header.set_time(time=self.start_time + index / frame_rate, frame_rate=frame_rate) # Recalculate CRC. header.update() # Reuse payload. return Mark5BFrame(header, self._payload, valid=True)
open = make_opener('Mark5B', globals(), doc=""" --- For reading a stream : (see `~baseband.mark5b.base.Mark5BStreamReader`) sample_rate : `~astropy.units.Quantity`, optional Number of complete samples per second, i.e. the rate at which each channel is sampled. If `None` (default), will be inferred from scanning one second of the file or, failing that, using the time difference between two consecutive frames. kday : int or None Explicit thousands of MJD of the observation start time (eg. ``57000`` for MJD 57999), used to infer the full MJD from the header's time information. Can instead pass an approximate ``ref_time``. ref_time : `~astropy.time.Time` or None Reference time within 500 days of the observation start time, used to infer the full MJD. Only used if ``kday`` is not given. nchan : int, optional Number of channels. Default: 1. bps : int, optional Bits per elementary sample. Default: 2. squeeze : bool, optional If `True` (default), remove any dimensions of length unity from decoded data. subset : indexing object, optional Specific channels of the complete sample to decode (after possible squeezing). If an empty tuple (default), all channels are read. fill_value : float or complex Value to use for invalid or missing data. Default: 0. verify : bool, optional Whether to do basic checks of frame integrity when reading. The first frame of the stream is always checked. Default: `True`. --- For writing a stream : (see `~baseband.mark5b.base.Mark5BStreamWriter`) header0 : :class:`~baseband.mark5b.Mark5BHeader` Header for the first frame, holding time information, etc. Can instead give keyword arguments to construct a header (see ``**kwargs``). sample_rate : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Number of complete samples per second, i.e. the rate at which each channel is sampled. Needed to calculate header timestamps. nchan : int, optional Number of channels. Default: 1. bps : int, optional Bits per elementary sample. Default: 2. squeeze : bool, optional If `True` (default), writer accepts squeezed arrays as input, and adds channel and thread dimensions if they have length unity. **kwargs If no header is given, an attempt is made to construct one with any further keyword arguments. See :class:`~baseband.mark5b.base.Mark5BStreamWriter`. Returns ------- Filehandle :class:`~baseband.mark5b.base.Mark5BFileReader` or :class:`~baseband.mark5b.base.Mark5BFileWriter` (binary), or :class:`~baseband.mark5b.base.Mark5BStreamReader` or :class:`~baseband.mark5b.base.Mark5BStreamWriter` (stream). """)